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Dokter Kulit Ungkap 4 Cara Membuat Hidung Mancung, Bukan Pakai Serum

"Skin Doctor Reveals 4 Ways to Make a Pointed Nose, Not Using Serum"

Dream - A viral video on TikTok advertises a serum that can make the nose more pointed. The serum only needs to be dropped onto the nose and blended around it.

Dokter Kulit Ungkap 4 Cara Membuat Hidung Mancung, Bukan Pakai Serum
Dokter Kulit Ungkap 4 Cara Membuat Hidung Mancung, Bukan Pakai Serum

"After the serum is blended, gently massage the nose and leave it for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off the serum."

Not a few people believe that the serum is effective in making the nose sharper. Moreover, the account that sells the serum advertises by using videos from famous content creators and dermatologists without permission.

<b>Apakah Serum Bisa Membuat Hidung Mancung?</b>

"Can Serum Make the Nose Pointed?"

Serum can only nourish the skin to make it healthier. Meanwhile, a pointed nose is caused by the shape of the bone underneath it.

"The one that makes a pointed nose is the nasal bone. So if we peel off the skin, there will be a bone like this. The bone of a pointed nose is high."
"spoken Yessica Tania, Dermatologist."

"@ 2023"


The statement also explains why the nose does not become pointed or change its shape after being regularly pinched since childhood as advised by parents. If you want to have a more pointed nose, try the following 4 methods.

<b>1. Pakai Makeup</b>

1. Wear Makeup

Gradient contour colors, base makeup, and highlighter used on the nose can create the illusion of a pointed shape.

<b>2. Filler</b>

2. Filler

Performing a filler by injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin around the nose can add volume around it and make your nose more pointed.

"Hyaluronic acid will harden, so it will become solid, but it is not permanent."

"imbuhnya." translates to "addition."

3. Plant Thread

Some public figures may have undergone a thread implant procedure to make their nose appear sharper. The thread that will be inserted around the nose will temporarily shape it to be sharper for about 1-2 years.

"If you want the results to remain unchanged, Sahabat Dream needs to do touch-ups at a beauty clinic. The results of thread implantation tend to be more natural compared to fillers. Make sure that the doctor performing it is truly competent, especially when doing fillers. Incorrect filler injections can cause blindness."

<b>4. Rhinoplasty</b>

4. Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty or plastic surgery can completely change the structure of the nose. Dream friends can alter the shape of the nasal tip and other areas to suit their desires. is present on WhatsApp Channel, follow to know the latest information on this link

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