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Ini Cara Ampuh Dapatkan Kulit Glowing Menurut Pendapat Ahli<br>

This is a Powerful Way to Get Glowing Skin According to Expert Opinion

Ini Cara Ampuh Dapatkan Kulit Glowing Menurut Pendapat Ahli

Dream - Healthy, moisturized, and glowing skin is the dream of many people. This cannot always be achieved with basic skin care. Especially, if Sahabat Dream is experiencing certain skin problems.

Although so, the effort to get glowing skin is not always difficult and complicated. If you apply these tips consistently, healthy and radiant skin will be easier to obtain. Come on, find out what the tips are!

<b>1.	Lindungi Kulit dari Sinar UV</b>

1. Protect Your Skin from UV Rays

UV rays can cause various skin problems, such as sunburn, fine lines, and dark spots. Therefore, do not forget to use sunscreen to protect the skin from sun exposure.

Specialist dermatologist, Shari Sperling suggests wearing sunscreen every day. Especially, when the exposure to sunlight is high. "On days when you experience increased exposure to sunlight, make sure to reapply sunscreen as often as possible. I recommend SPF 30 or higher," says Shari.

2. Clean the Skin Properly

The basic key to achieve glowing skin is to cleanse the face properly, such as performing double cleansing. "This helps to remove dirt and oil buildup that can cause dull skin if not cleansed regularly," said Skin Doctor, Ramya Garlapati.

Ini Cara Ampuh Dapatkan Kulit Glowing Menurut Pendapat Ahli

Although, do not clean your face excessively, yes! Doing so will actually make your skin dry, acne-prone, and even cracked.

If your skin is dry, simply use a facial cleanser at night. In the morning, rinse your face with water or use a toner that can remove dirt residue and nourish the skin. As for oily skin, you can clean your face twice a day.

3. Maintain Skin Moisture

3. Maintain Skin Moisture

Apart from cleansing the skin properly, the key to achieving glowing skin is to maintain hydration or moisture.

"They who have drier skin should use a thick-textured moisturizer in the morning and evening, and even more if needed throughout the day," said Shari. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin, yes. This needs to be done to minimize other skin issues when using the product."

4. Showering with Warm Water

4. Showering with Warm Water

Taking a bath with hot water is indeed comfortable to do when the weather is cold, but it can make the skin dry and dull.

The American Skin Association recommends lowering the water temperature to be warmer or lukewarm to maintain the skin's moisture. After bathing, gently pat the skin with a clean towel and apply moisturizer when the skin is half wet. This way, your skin will remain hydrated.

<b>5.	Pertahankan Pola Makan Sehat</b>

5. Maintain a Healthy Eating Pattern

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends not to change the eating pattern before consulting with a nutritionist. Especially, if you are already accustomed to consuming fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.

Report Marha Adani Putri/ Source: is present on WhatsApp Channel, follow to know the latest information in this link

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