"Hera also mentioned that the total credit distribution for all sectors in the first half of 2024 reached Rp850 trillion, with a year-on-year growth of 20 percent. "Our total performance in the first semester showed credit growth of up to Rp850 trillion, growing by 20%," she revealed."
"Dream - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) continues to support the advancement of micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) with the ongoing increase in credit distribution. EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility BCA Hera F. Haryn revealed that the distribution of UMKM credit in the first semester of 2024 rose by 12.7 percent year on year (yoy), with a nominal value of Rp114.4 trillion. "The latest data for the performance of SME credit itself is also very positive, growing at 12.7%," Hera stated to the media in Yogyakarta, Friday, August 23, 2024."
Hera continued, the MSME sector that received the most credit distribution is retail and food and beverages. "Which MSME sector receives the most credit from BCA? From the MSME sector, food and beverages is one of them, followed by retail and food and beverages," she explained. One of BCA's initiatives in supporting the progress of MSMEs is the organization of “Gebyar BCA Merah Putih: Indonesia Banget!” through Bakti BCA on August 22-24, 2024, in Yogyakarta.
"In this event, BCA presents Pasar Kangen with 60 MSME tenants. Pasar Kangen is an annual event that has been held since 2007 in Yogyakarta. According to Hera, Pasar Kangen can create a multiplier effect for local MSMEs. 'Gebyar BCA Merah Putih is an initiative from Bakti BCA to commemorate Indonesia's 79th independence day through a series of activities showcasing the rich culture and culinary heritage of the homeland. This event combines three of the five pillars of Bakti BCA, namely Educational Bakti, Cultural Bakti, and BCA Village Bakti,' said Hera."
"Pasar Kangen is a program initiated by Ong Hari Wahyu. Pasar Kangen presents culinary offerings from various regions across Indonesia. Such as es goyang, wedang ronde, kerak telor, sate koyor typical of Lumajang, dawet ireng, to selendang mayang and others. “We see the alignment of the mission carried out by BCA, which is to provide a sustainable positive impact for the community, especially local MSMEs. This is the second time we have collaborated with BCA,” said the Founder of Pasar Kangen Ong Hari Wahyu."
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