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"Laughing Can Cause Death, Here's the Scientific Explanation"

"Prophet Muhammad forbade his followers from laughing excessively or bursting into laughter."

Dream - Maybe you think that laughing only has a positive influence on health. But, after reading this article, try to reconsider that perception, because research shows that laughing also has a negative impact on your health. Until now, people have considered laughing to be able to release psychological burdens and boost immunity. So many people believe that laughing is a powerful medicine for those who are sick. But don't overdo it. Anything in excess is not good, including laughing. Research shows that excessive laughter can take someone's life.

Laughter Can Cause Death, This is the Scientific Explanation

A study on the benefits and dangers of laughter reported in patients from 1946 to the present day found that uncontrollable laughter can cause heart rupture, throat tear, and incontinence or inability to hold urine.

Researchers from the University of Birmingham and Oxford concluded that laughter can have serious implications for health. The study found that a woman who laughed heartily died due to heart damage. In addition, rapid breathing during laughter can also cause inhalation of foreign objects and trigger asthma attacks. Guffawing laughter has also been proven to cause incontinence and trigger hernias.

Tertawa boleh saja asal tidak berlebihan

"Laughing is allowed as long as it is not excessive"


"Laugh Reasonably"

However, this study also found that laughter also has positive effects on health. Researchers revealed that laughter can reduce arterial stiffness and relieve tension. However, researchers recommend moderate laughter.

Researchers also state that laughing improves lung function. In addition, it can also burn 2,000 calories and lower blood sugar in diabetes patients.

But with the note, don't laugh excessively. If done in moderation, then you will get those benefits.

Laughter Can Cause Death, This is the Scientific Explanation

"Unique Findings"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Another unique finding states that laughter also increases fertility. As many as 36 percent of prospective mothers who were entertained by clowns in the hospital and underwent embryo transfer became pregnant compared to 20 percent in patients who did not receive such treatment."


The researchers said that this study was conducted to prove that laughter not only has positive sides but can also bring dangers if done excessively. "Some readers may overlook the benefits of laughter. It will become serious. Others may overlook the dangers. We call it arrogant laughter," according to a quote from the research report, cited from The Telegraph.

Nabi Melarang Terbahak

Prophet Prohibits Laughing Out Loud

In Islam, excessive laughter or laughter is prohibited. In one narration, Prophet Muhammad said: "Do not laugh excessively, because excessive laughter will kill the heart and remove the light from the face."