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Rutinitas Pagi Pengaruhi Produktivitas Sepanjang Hari

"Morning Routine Affects Productivity Throughout the Day"

"If you feel low on energy during activities, try doing the following morning routines!"

Morning Routine Affects Productivity Throughout the Day

"Dream - Performing healthy habits in the morning regularly will make the body and mind function optimally. Activities throughout the day will also be more productive and enjoyable."

1. Bangun Lebih Awal

1. Wake Up Earlier

Wake up early in the morning to engage in healthy habits can help the body function optimally. Waking up early gives you plenty of time for more beneficial things.

2. Drink Clean Water

2. Drink Clean Water

Drink water immediately after waking up, at least a glass to hydrate the body. During sleep, the body does not receive any fluid intake at all. Drinking water after waking up is a good choice to reactivate the muscles and organs of the body. This routine will make you more enthusiastic to face the day.

3. Yoga or Meditation

3. Yoga or Meditation

Meditation or yoga in the morning will help the body relax, so it will be more prepared to perform heavy activities throughout the day. Take 15 to 30 minutes for yoga, then your mind will be calmer and more proactive for that day.

4. Stretching

4. Stretching

Light exercise or stretching is very beneficial for increasing energy and physical stamina. Stretching should be made a morning ritual that is not to be missed. Walking around the complex for 30 minutes or doing light stretching in the room is enough to make your body more energized and refreshed.

5. Sarapan Tinggi Protein

5. High Protein Breakfast

Don't miss breakfast before activities. A high-protein breakfast is key to being more energetic and productive. When sleeping, the body has been fasting for 7 to 8 hours, so a high-protein breakfast is very important to restore body energy.

6. Nikmati Sinar Matahari Pagi

6. Enjoy the Morning Sunlight

Don't miss the morning sunlight. Open the window, let the sunlight fill the room in the house.
You can also take a walk around the complex while enjoying the morning sunlight.

Morning Routine Affects Productivity Throughout the Day

The morning sunlight can improve mood and help you get a better night's sleep. During the day, you will also gain more energy.

Doing a healthy routine in the morning can prepare for a more energetic work. If the body is energetic, productivity will also increase. Such good habits are also good for preparing the day to be more quality. (x)

Morning Routine Affects Productivity Throughout the Day