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Only Armed with T-shirts, Tantri Namirah Becomes Very Stylish
Only Armed with T-shirts, Tantri Namirah Becomes Very Stylish Tantri Namirah/ Photo: Instagram @tantrinamirah

Dream - Tantri Namirah's outfit combinations never get bored to be reviewed. Her colorful and chic outfits often become inspiration for hijabis. Not only wearing unique or luxurious outfits, Tantri can also transform t-shirts into more attractive ones.

Tantri Namirah/ Photo: Instagram @tantrinamirah

In one of the photos uploaded on Instagram @tantrinamirah, she is seen wearing a soft pink mid-sleeved t-shirt with a horse image in the middle. This soft pink t-shirt is paired with a black inner accentuated with hot pink dots, which looks sweet.

Tantri Namirah/ Photo: Instagram @tantrinamirah

Haikal Kamil's wife combines the oversized t-shirt with light grey jeans. To give a more neutral impression, she chooses a black hijab. Adding a touch of pink to her appearance, this mother of one wears hot pink flat shoes, which looks neat. Tantri's simple style is fun, right?

Style Inspiration: Melody Laksani Combines Hijab and Beret

Dream - Wearing a hijab doesn't mean that Sahabat Dream can't explore wearing various accessories on the head. One of them is combining a hat on top of the hijab.

If Sahabat Dream is confused about what kind of hat to choose, a beret like the one worn by singer Melody Laksani can be an inspiration.

Instagram @melodylaksani92

Melody combines a black square scarf hijab with a simple style and a knot on the neck. This black hijab is paired with a black beret of the same color.

The beret has a tweed pattern with touches of white and black threads. In the middle of the hat, there are neatly arranged artificial diamond accessories that enhance the appearance of this Bandung-born woman.

Instagram @melodylaksani92

This black hijab and beret are paired with an emerald green fur jacket layered with white goose down coat. The top is also paired with simple straight pants and white sneakers.

Melody Prima Builds Her Third House, Check Out the Luxurious Design

Dream - Melody is grateful to start 2023 with goodness by building her dream house.

Melody Prima

Photo: @melodyprima

"Masyaallah Tabarakallah. My 3rd house for my early birthday GIFT🥳. Alhamdulillah. A good start to the year," wrote Melody Prima quoted from her Instagram account.

In addition, Melody also showed the design of the house that is currently under construction. Melody also uploaded a photo of the house that will be built.

From the design shown, Melody's house has a luxurious design. It has two floors and looks spacious.

Melody Prima's New House Design

Photo: @melodyprima

The house is dominated by white color with several elongated square-shaped windows. There is also a beautiful garage area and balcony on the second floor.

"For those who are curious about the design, it's in the last slide. What do you think? Hehe," she said.

Melody's post was flooded with compliments and prayers from netizens. They hope that the construction process of Melody's third house goes smoothly.

"MasyaAllah Tabarakallah, I love it," wrote @ninaseptiani.

"Bismillah, I hope everything goes smoothly, my dear! I'm so proud!! I know the struggle of continuously saving for these dreams," wrote @lidyapraditta.

"May the construction of your house go smoothly, sis. Aamiin," wrote @a.ayuannisa.

OOTD Mix-and-Match Black Outfit of FTV Actress Melody Prima, Never Fails to Make a Stylish Appearance

Dream - Black is one of the neutral colors favored by women in their appearance. When wearing black outfits, there is no need to think too much because the result always looks sweet. 

Model and FTV actress Melody Prima is one of the actresses who has proven it. The 27-year-old actress has been caught on camera several times wearing black outfits in various appearances.

Melody's fashion style with her black outfits always succeeds in making her appearance pleasing to the eye. From casual style to glamorous style, Melody chooses black outfits.

Melody Prima's fashion choices can be your reference in dressing up. This artist is quite active in sharing her OOTD on social media.

Here are Melody Prima's OOTD when she mixes and matches black outfits in various activities.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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