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The Most Beautiful Country in the World, Indonesia Tops World Recognition
The Most Beautiful Country in the World, Indonesia Tops World Recognition Comedian Kadir (KLY)

Dream – On Sunday, September 4, 2022, influential international mass media, CNN, wrote a striking news about Indonesia with the headline: “Indonesia's Raja Ampat: 'The last paradise on Earth'.” Or in other words: “Raja Ampat Indonesia: 'The Last Paradise on Earth'.”

The story tells of the story of two foreigners who chose to settle in Raja Ampat, Papua, for the past three decades. They then established a diving center and conservation center to preserve the beauty of the last paradise on earth: Raja Ampat.

Over 30 years ago, a Dutchman and history enthusiast Max Ammer received instructions from his pilot, a war veteran, about a World War II plane submerged in Indonesian waters.

The instructions led him to what would become a four-month diving expedition through various islands, consulting with local fishermen along the way.

During his journey, one place stood out from the rest: Raja Ampat, in the West Papua Province, Indonesia.

Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia

(Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia/Liputan6)

Located in the heart of the Coral Triangle, the Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Area Network spans over 4 million hectares and includes about 1,500 islands.

Credited with having the richest marine biodiversity on Earth and a relatively remote location that allows it to escape mass tourism, it is not surprising that Raja Ampat is often referred to as the "last paradise on Earth".

It is home to over 1,600 species of fish, while about 75% of the world's known coral species can be found there.

"There are endless beautiful areas and hundreds of beautiful coral gardens," said Ammer.

His love for nature and the local community inspired him to open the Kri Eco Dive Resort in 1994, with the aim of training local divers and bringing people into the "still natural underwater world." A resort near Sorido Bay followed, with two properties operated under Ammer's Selam Papua company.

In addition to Ammer, there is Marit Miners, one of the founders of Misool Eco Resort and Misool Foundation, which is now famous as one of the best examples of the importance of involving local communities in creating financially and environmentally sustainable resorts.

Her relationship with Raja Ampat began with a love story. While traveling in Bangkok in 2005, Miners met fellow diving enthusiasts and her future husband, Andrew Miners.

On their third date, he took her diving in Raja Ampat.

“My first visit to Raja Ampat in 2005 changed my life,” said Miners to CNN. Born in Sweden, she studied anthropology before discovering her passion for scuba diving and yoga in Thailand.

“It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, both above and below the water,” she said in amazement.

While the coral reefs on Batbitim Island, where Misool is now located, were stunning, there was something that bothered the Miners, due to the presence of shark finning remnants.

“I had never seen a live shark before,” said Miners.

Biodiversity had not recovered from commercial fishing practices for years. This prompted the Miners couple to establish the Misool Foundation and Misool Resort - the latter as a way to financially support conservation work - in 2005, shortly after their first visit.

Thanks to this conservation effort, sharks and other marine creatures have finally returned to Misool.

Thanks to conservation, sharks return to Misool, Raja Ampat

(Thanks to conservation, sharks return to Misool, Raja Ampat.Papua/CNN)

“Since 2007, fish biomass (in Misool) has increased an average of 250% and shark populations have rebounded. A healthy and vibrant ecosystem is great for tourists to enjoy, but it is also important for local communities who depend on abundant coral reefs for their livelihood,” said Miners.

She noted that involving local communities is crucial to the success of sustainable Raja Ampat, as well-protected marine environments require collaboration and long-term commitment.

“As ecosystems recover, their abundance becomes increasingly attractive to those who want to exploit them.” Threats evolve and diversify over time... It is unrealistic and risky to assume that a problem has been permanently fixed."

Residents of Raja Ampat

(Residents of Raja Ampat/CNN)

Therefore, dedication from the community, local government, scientists, business owners, non-profit organizations, schools, funders, and influential local and international supporters is needed, he added.

“This holistic approach will provide the best opportunity for success. It takes a lot of enthusiasm and energy, which can be found here in Raja Ampat,” said Miners.

Ammer also observed positive changes at his two diving resorts in Papua.

About two decades ago, when Dr. Gerry Allen from Conservation International dived at Cape Kri, Papua Diving, he counted 327 fish species, breaking the record in a single dive. A decade later, the number rose to 374 different species in 90 minutes.

Fish species in Raja Ampat Papua are increasing

(Fish species in Raja Ampat Papua are increasing/CNN)

“When we started, there were many highly destructive practices rampant throughout Raja Ampat: fishing with bombs, fishing with cyanide, shark fishing, logging,” said Ammer.

“All of that has slowly been eradicated. In our case, mainly by creating alternative livelihoods. When we provide jobs to turtle hunters, shark fishermen, (logging workers) at the resorts, they no longer have to engage in destructive practices.”

The two Papua Diving locations were built in previously disturbed areas; both were former coconut plantations, meaning no virgin forests were destroyed.

When asked about his favorite diving spots in Raja Ampat, Ammer said the list is almost endless.

Artist Nikita Willy diving in Raja Ampat

(Artist Nikita Willy diving in Raja Ampat/Liputan6)

“I am often still amazed when I look around while diving. I wonder if I might be dreaming it all,” said Ammer, who has mentioned many diving spots in the area.

Coincidentally, a few months before the CNN article was published, Indonesia was indeed just named the most beautiful country in the world by the UK-based website and Forbes magazine on February 7, 2022.

In the description on the website, each country was analyzed based on seven factors: volcanoes, mountains, coral reefs, protected areas, coastlines, rainforests, and glaciers.

“Although beauty is ultimately subjective, it is clear that these countries have a lot to offer visitors, whether you prefer adventure in the mountains or relaxation on the beach,” said Sal Haqqi, financial editor at

Komodo on the beach of Komodo Island, Labuan Bajo, NTT

(Komodo on the beach of Komodo Island, Labuan Bajo, NTT/Wikipedia)

Each factor was calculated per 100,000 square kilometers using land area figures sourced from the World Bank. Because Indonesia may be the last paradise of natural beauty on Earth. Therefore, do not waste and destroy it. This may be a lesson that can be learned from the conservation efforts of Raja Ampat Papua at the beginning of this article. It cannot be avoided. (eha)

Source: CNN,, Forbes, Indonesia Expat, Modern Diplomacy, The Travel, Lonely Planet, Liputan6

The information is then given a normalization score of 10 for each factor before the average score of the seven factors is taken.

And Indonesia scored 7.77 out of a maximum of 10.

Indonesia is the most beautiful country in the world because it has more than 17,000 islands, which means it has more than 50,000 km of coastline.

“Off the coast of these islands there are coral reefs full of life, most of which can be explored, including Bali as a popular tourist destination,” wrote the researchers.

Destinations that offer natural beauty such as tropical forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan, including orangutan sanctuaries, and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Komodo National Park are also highlights.

Tanah Lot, Bali, Indonesia

(Tanah Lot, Bali, Indonesia/Liputan6)

After Indonesia, New Zealand is the second most beautiful country in the world with a score of 7.27. The researchers emphasize that New Zealand is home to hills, sharp mountain peaks including the Southern Alps, and several active volcanoes.

New Zealand also has a high number of glaciers, with more than 5,000 glaciers per 100,000 square kilometers and a coastline length of more than 15,000 square kilometers.

“With such a diverse landscape, thousands of people flock to New Zealand to experience its natural wonders for themselves. In fact, many films and TV shows have chosen it as a filming location to replace fantastic locations like the Lord of the Rings films,” the researchers said.

Colombia is the third most beautiful country in the world with a score of 7.16. Like Indonesia and New Zealand, Colombia has a long coastline, especially along the Caribbean coast.

Not only that, Colombia also has a highly varied landscape, ranging from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon rainforest. “Colombia scored very high because it is home to 500,000 square kilometers of tropical forest,” the authors added.

As a result, Indonesia was crowned the Most Beautiful Country by, which was later endorsed by Forbes magazine.

In addition to these three countries, here are the other countries that made it to the top 10 list of the most beautiful countries in the world: Tanzania (6.98), Mexico (6.96), Kenya (6.70), India (6.54), France (6.51), Papua New Guinea (6.39), and Comoros (6.22).


Indonesia is indeed a country with abundant islands, and the country has a lot of potential natural resources.

It can be proven that Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, consisting of 17,499 islands with a coastline of 81,000 kilometers. With its vast waters and islands, Indonesia is known as a maritime country with natural beauty.

On Thursday, February 10, 2022, Indonesia was crowned the most beautiful country in the world by, based in the UK. Indonesia is the first of ten countries to be named the most beautiful country in the world, with the nomination based on the number of natural resources it possesses.

Among them, Indonesia has 17,000 islands, 147 volcanoes, coral reefs, and countless rainforests that surpass other countries. Indonesia  is the first country with a score of 7.77/10 for natural beauty, followed by New Zealand, Colombia, Tanzania, Mexico, Kenya, India, France, Papua New Guinea, and Comoros.

Panglipuran Village, Bali, is one of the most beautiful villages in the world

(Panglipuran Village, Bali, is one of the most beautiful villages in the world/Liputan6)

Through this nomination, it can be a great potential for Indonesia to preserve its natural beauty without any exploitation or activities that can damage its natural beauty. Therefore, the natural beauty of Indonesia can be maximized as an attraction for international visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of Indonesia.

The interest of international visitors to visit Indonesia as a tourist destination can improve the image of Indonesia. The formation of a positive image of a country will also have an impact on international cooperation with partner countries.

The abundance of natural beauty in Indonesia also attracts many foreigners to visit Indonesia, especially in the tourism sector, which is one of the contributors to the country's foreign exchange.

One corner of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

(One corner of Yogyakarta, Indonesia/IndonesiaEspat)

Based on data from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics, it is explained that the country's foreign exchange in the tourism sector has been increasing every year, including in 2016 amounting to US$ 11.206 billion or IDR 166 trillion; in 2017 amounting to US$ 13.139 billion or IDR 195 trillion; and in 2018 it increased to US$ 16.426 billion or IDR 244 trillion.

Therefore, with a significant contribution from the tourism sector, it can contribute to improving the country's economy.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has hit the tourism sector in Indonesia since 2020 until the end of 2022. However, in 2023, tourism in Indonesia is starting to recover. Bali, which was once quiet, is now starting to become lively again.


The problem is that Indonesia is not only about Raja Ampat, which was relatively recently discovered. Previously, Indonesia was also known for the beauty of Bali, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Labuan Bajo, to name a few.

If you visit the island of Bali or the Island of the Gods, it feels very ordinary to only visit the beaches in West and South Bali near the cities. This time, famous tourist attractions in North Bali must be included in the next visit. The North Bali region is still famous for its pristine and rural highland atmosphere.

Famous tourist attractions in North Bali offer incredibly stunning natural panoramas. From beaches, lakes, waterfalls, and many more. If you want to learn about culture, including religious tourism, famous tourist attractions in North Bali are ready to pamper you with temple tourism in a cool and calming atmosphere.

For family outings, famous tourist attractions in North Bali such as the Bedugul Botanical Gardens should not be missed. These tourist attractions in North Bali are located in a protected area for many tropical plants in the Eastern Indonesian Region.

Here are three examples: Lake Beratan. Lake Beratan is a famous tourist attraction in North Bali, located in Candikuning Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. This lake is one of the three twin lakes in Bali and is located at an altitude of approximately 1239 meters above sea level (asl). This famous tourist attraction in North Bali is a crater from the eruption of an ancient volcano. On the edge of Lake Beratan there is Ulun Danu Temple which is a large temple complex in Bali.

Lake Beratan, Bali, Indonesia

(Lake Beratan, Bali, Indonesia/Liputan6)

Bedugul Botanical Garden.  Located at an altitude of over 1,250 meters above sea level in Candikuning Village, Baturiti, Tabanan, this Bedugul Botanical Garden serves as a protected area for many tropical plants in the Eastern Indonesian region. This famous tourist attraction in North Bali is located in the middle of the Island of the Gods, making it easier for tourists to stop by and indulge their eyes with beautiful green vegetation.

This famous tourist attraction in North Bali is also known to have a collection of plants that are often used during Hindu traditional ceremonies. This has been claimed to have been happening since 1991. Until now, Bedugul Botanical Garden is said to have more than 580 species of plants.

Lovina Beach. For some people, this famous tourist attraction in North Bali is not unfamiliar. Many already know and even fall in love with its beauty. As is known, in this famous tourist attraction in North Bali, visitors can directly see dolphins jumping high in the sea. Visitors can watch directly using traditional boats. Not only that, visitors can also see a group of dolphins directly, which will certainly be an unusual and quite amazing experience.

Lovina Beach, Bali, where visitors can see dolphins up close

(Lovina Beach, Bali, where visitors can see dolphins up close/Liputan6)

In addition to Bali, tourist destinations in Lombok are also a favorite of many people as a fun vacation destination. Lombok offers such amazing natural beauty. In fact, the beaches and islands in Lombok are already famous internationally.

Who has never heard of Gili Trawangan? The name Gili in Lombok may not be unfamiliar to tourists who love the beauty of the sea. This marine destination that offers beautiful beaches and breathtaking underwater scenery is the main attraction of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Here are some beautiful tourist attractions in Lombok: Senggigi Beach. Senggigi Beach is the oldest and most famous tourist spot in Lombok. This beach has white sand with a long coastline. The beach offers a natural hilly panorama that surrounds the beautiful tourist attraction.

Senggigi Beach, Lombok, Indonesia

(Senggigi Beach, Lombok, Indonesia/Liputan6)

Senggigi is also often used as a venue for cultural events such as the Senggigi Festival.

Mount Rinjani. Mount Rinjani is an iconic tourist spot in Lombok that is sought after by tourists who visit there. Rinjani has an altitude of 3,726 meters above sea level and has a child mountain called Mount Baru Jari (Newly Formed) which is surrounded by Lake Segara Anak.

According to historians, initially Rinjani had a height of more than 5000 meters. But due to the eruption, Rinjani was cut off and resulted in a lake in the middle.

Tanjung Bloam. Tanjung Bloam is a turtle conservation area that is inhabited by cliffs and stretches along the coastline from the southern to northern ends. Tanjung Bloam has a land form that juts into the sea with mossy rocks towering like a roof of a house. For the local residents, the scenery here is like a stunning three-dimensional painting.

Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang. Gili Sulat is a small island located 1.5 km northeast of Lombok Island. 500 meters northwest of Gili Sulat is Gili Lawang Island. Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang are small islands (gili) that have great potential as natural tourist destinations (eco tourism). These two gilis have potential in the form of mangrove forests and beautiful underwater gardens. However, there is also a small part that consists of white sand, and during certain seasons, a group of dolphins will appear in this area.

Gili Trawangan. Gili Trawangan is likened to the prima donna of North Lombok tourist attractions. Gili Trawangan has even gained international recognition. Many foreign tourists continue to visit Gili Trawangan because of its beautiful marine nature and charming small islands.

Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia

(Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia/Liputan6)

Gili Air. Gili Air is one of the three famous gili islands in Lombok, namely Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno. Gili Air is the closest island to Lombok. Visitors can see seahorses, turtles, various colorful fish, and other marine inhabitants.

Gili Meno. Gili Meno is one of the three small islands, along with Gili Trawangan and Gili Air, which are marine tourist areas in Lombok. Here, there is a bird park that has a collection of rare birds from Indonesia and abroad.

Tangsi Beach (Pink Beach). Tangsi Beach is often referred to as Pink Beach. Located in Sekaroh Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, this beach has its own uniqueness. Tangsi Beach has pink sand. This tourist spot in Lombok is one of the seven pink beaches in the world, and one of the two pink beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach Lombok, Indonesia

(Pink Beach Lombok, Indonesia/Liputan6)

The pink color of the sand is formed because the original white sand grains are mixed with fragments of pink coral. Sunlight and the impact of seawater make the pink color of the beach more visible. However, in Indonesia, there are so many beautiful tourist attractions. So it's difficult to cover them one by one because there are so many. That's also why Indonesia is crowned as the most beautiful country in the world.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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