"7 Lightning Colors from Most Common to Rare, Each Having Its Own Meaning"
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"Let's see!"
Based on facts, the colors that appear in lightning are similar to almost every color of the rainbow. Although some colors may occur less frequently than others, almost all colors can be produced by lightning. The variation of colors in lightning depends on various conditions. According to The National Severe Storms Laboratory, the presence of fog, dust, humidity, rainwater droplets, and other particles in the atmosphere can affect the colors by absorbing or redirecting some of the white light from lightning. Additionally, the distance from the lightning strike, the observer's location, and individual vision can also affect the colors seen in lightning.
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White lightning is the most common and frequently seen. Besides the composition of the air playing an important role in determining the color of lightning, the distance between the observer and the lightning strike can also affect the color that is seen. People who are within close proximity are more likely to see white lightning. In general, the more air that the lightning strike needs to pass through before reaching the observer, the more particles can filter light, and its color will become richer.
Petir berwarna biru memiliki penampilan yang sangat serupa dengan petir putih, sehingga seringkali beberapa pengamat kesulitan membedakan keduanya. Faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap warna biru pada petir melibatkan beberapa aspek, termasuk warna langit, jarak dari permukaan tanah, jarak dari pengamat, kemampuan penglihatan pengamat, serta kandungan nitrogen dan oksigen di udara.The blue lightning has a very similar appearance to white lightning, so observers often have difficulty distinguishing between the two. Factors contributing to the blue color of lightning involve several aspects, including the color of the sky, distance from the ground surface, distance from the observer, observer's visual ability, as well as the nitrogen and oxygen content in the air.
However, among the three, the color purple is still considered the rarest. The presence of purple lightning usually indicates low humidity and temperature levels. Purple lightning can also indicate the presence of oxygen and nitrogen. These elements play a role in the formation of blue and red colors, which then combine to produce the color purple.
Petir kuning sering muncul karena tingginya kandungan debu di udara selama badai. Selain itu, warna kuning dan oranye pada petir juga terkait dengan aktivitas gunung berapi. Saat terjadi letusan gunung berapi, debu, abu panas, kotoran, dan puing-puing dilepaskan ke udara. Ketika partikel-partikel ini berinteraksi dengan gas yang terlepas, warna petir dapat sangat dipengaruhi. Biasanya, warna yang muncul adalah kuning, oranye, dan terkadang merah.Translation:
Yellow lightning often appears due to the high content of dust in the air during storms. In addition, the yellow and orange colors in lightning are also related to volcanic activity. When a volcano erupts, dust, hot ash, dirt, and debris are released into the air. When these particles interact with the released gases, the color of lightning can be greatly influenced. Usually, the colors that appear are yellow, orange, and sometimes red.
Apart from humidity, fog, and particles in the air, the temperature of lightning strikes can also be a major factor in determining the color of lightning. The higher the temperature, the lightning tends to approach the end of the color spectrum. At that point, lightning can appear red. Therefore, it is not surprising that red lightning is most commonly seen during severe thunderstorms.
Like pink lightning, green lightning also often occurs, especially in snowy conditions. During a snowstorm, snowflakes can bend light, making lightning strikes appear green. Although green lightning events are rare like pink lightning, they are still much less commonly seen.
Pink lightning is a rare phenomenon. Usually, pink lightning is often seen during the snow season. It should be noted that pink lightning is often difficult to distinguish from red lightning, even though red lightning is more common than pink lightning.
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