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20 Gaya Artis Ikut Aksi Bela Palestina di Monas, Penampilan Aaliyah Massaid-Thariq Halilintar Disorot!

"20 Styles of Celebrities Join the Action to Support Palestine at Monas, Aaliyah Massaid-Thariq Halilintar's Performance Highlighted!"

"Action for Palestine"

The conflict between Palestine and Israel is once again capturing the world's attention. Several countries around the world have called for support for Palestine following Israel's brutality in bombing Palestinian land. Even thousands of lives were lost as a result of the incident. Not staying silent, the people of Indonesia also expressed their concern for Palestine. Such actions include fundraising, boycotting Israeli products, and participating in the solidarity rally for Palestine at Monas on Sunday (5/11) last week.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Monas area is also crowded with thousands of people who harmoniously wear all-white and black clothing, equipped with various attributes according to the colors of the Palestinian flag."

20 Styles of Artists Participating in the Action to Defend Palestine at Monas, Aaliyah Massaid-Thariq Halilintar's Appearance Highlighted!

They simultaneously voiced the freedom of Palestine, which is currently being attacked by Israel.

Not only ordinary people, but also several artists and public figures also took to the streets, you know! Their actions and appearances became the center of attention. Curious who are these artists?

20 Styles of Artists Participating in the Action to Defend Palestine at Monas, Aaliyah Massaid-Thariq Halilintar's Appearance Highlighted!

"Check out the following picture!"

Aaliyah Massaid yang pose depan Monas tampak cantik dengan kaos hitam bergambar semangka dan sorban di kepala khas Palestina.

"Aaliyah Massaid, who poses in front of Monas, looks beautiful with a black t-shirt featuring a watermelon picture and a Palestinian-style headscarf."

Thariq Halilintar, who appeared with Aaliyah Massaid, looked identical with black t-shirts and turbans on their heads.

Thariq Halilintar, who appeared with Aaliyah Massaid, looked identical with black t-shirts and turbans on their heads.

Atta Halilintar hadir dengan kaos dan kaca mata hitam lengkap dengan sorban khas Palestina.

"Atta Halilintar appeared with a shirt and sunglasses complete with the typical Palestinian headscarf."

Kartika Putri participated in the action wearing black clothes and a hijab in line with the Palestinian flag.

Kartika Putri participated in the action wearing black clothes and a hijab in line with the Palestinian flag.

"Rebbeca Klopper appeared wearing a scarf and hat while participating in the action supporting Palestine."

Mulan Jamela rela panas-panasan ikut tutn ke jalan nih!

Mulan Jamela is willing to endure the scorching heat to follow the path here!

Indra Bruggman tampak gagah dengan sorban dan kca mata hitamnya.

Indra Bruggman looks handsome with his turban and black sunglasses.

Syifa Hadju yang datang dengan sang pacar tampil cantik banget nih!

"Syifa Hadju who came with her boyfriend looks really beautiful!"

"Najwa Shihab also participated, you know!"

Arie Untung mengajak Fenita Arie dan putra mereka dalam aksi bela Palestina di Monas.

Arie Untung invites Fenita Arie and their son to join the action to support Palestine at Monas.

Al Ghazali tampak gagah menggunakan baju koko putih dengan sorban hijaunya.

Al Ghazali looks handsome wearing a white koko shirt with his green turban.

Dara Arafah begitu cantik dengan kerudung dan sorban khas Palestina.

Dara Arafah is so beautiful with the hijab and Palestinian headscarf.

Inara Rusli juga tak luput dari aksi bela Palestina. Kali ini, Ia tampak mengenakan cadar.

"Inara Rusli also did not escape from the action of defending Palestine. This time, she was seen wearing a veil."

Dinda Hauw tampak keren dengan atribut serba Palestina dan kaca mata hitamnya.

"Dinda Hauw looks cool with her all-Palestinian attributes and black sunglasses."

Alvin Faiz and Henny Rahman also participated in the action! They wore matching clothes.

Alvin Faiz and Henny Rahman also participated in the action! They wore matching clothes.

"Clara Shinta looks so perfect with all things Palestinian."

"Rachel Vennya also participated in the action wearing a complete black outfit with a headscarf. She also carried a viral watermelon-shaped balloon."

"Regina Phoenix, Niko Al-Hakim's lover, also joined Rachel Vennya to hit the streets, here! They are so harmonious!"

Taqy Malik juga hadir dalam aksi bela Palestina. Ia mengenakan kemeja putih dengan sorban khas Palestina.

Taqy Malik also attended the Palestine solidarity action. He was wearing a white shirt with the traditional Palestinian headscarf.

Kiki Farel appeared wearing an all-white outfit complete with the Palestinian flag.

Kiki Farel appeared wearing an all-white outfit complete with the Palestinian flag.

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