Dream - After getting married, the couple Pinkan Mambo and Arya Khan have never escaped public attention. Recently, Pinkan shared about the condition of Arya Khan's house that made her cry. According to Pinkan, her husband's house, who works as a cassava seller, is very simple. His house is located in a market area, so sometimes it gets muddy. "His house is muddy, Miss, when it rains, it's because of the market. I cried the first time I went to his house," said Pinkan Mambo, quoted from the TikTok account asriamelya3.
Rumah Arya Khan
Curious about what Pinkan Mambo's husband's house looks like? Check out the following portrait!
The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The appearance of his simple house near the market."
The roof also uses asbestos and is the same size as Pinkan's word.
The translation of the given text "Rumah itu juga berada dalam gang sempit." to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The house is also located in a narrow alley."
Arya Khan acknowledges that his house is indeed simple, similar to a one-unit rented house.
In this room, Arya Khan sleeps with his daughter.
Although the exterior is simple, Arya's room and his child's room are quite clean and tidy.
"He also displays several awards and photos with his daughter."
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