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Dituduh Dugem dan Nari Erotis, Felicia Tissue Mantan Kekasih Kaesang Buka Suara

Accused of Clubbing and Erotic Dancing, Felicia Tissue, Former Girlfriend of Kaesang, Speaks Out

"Dream - Felicia Tissue, former girlfriend of Kaesang Pangarep, speaks up about the allegations from netizens accusing her of partying while dancing erotically. The accusations are accompanied by a viral video on platform X."

Accused of Clubbing and Dancing Erotically, Felicia Tissue, Former Girlfriend of Kaesang, Speaks Out
Accused of Clubbing and Dancing Erotically, Felicia Tissue, Former Girlfriend of Kaesang, Speaks Out

Felicia conveyed her response through Instagram by uploading and commenting on netizens. She stated that the netizens who spread hoaxes deliberately wanted to tarnish her reputation.

"Because there have been many accounts like this that clearly aim to tarnish my reputation with trivial news like this (hoax). That's why I have to address this because I can't let it continue. Whether this is a fake account or whatever, there must be a owner behind this account!!,"

write the girl who is affectionately called Feli, quoted on Wednesday, February 22, 2024.


According to him, the spread of false news with the aim of tarnishing the good name and reputation of certain parties is regulated by the law. The sanctions for such actions are also not to be taken lightly. "Has that article also been forgotten and ignored now?! Has it gotten this bad that ethics and morals have been lost for some people, or even all of them?!" added Feli.

Assert Never Stepped on Atlas Beach club

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This Chinese-blooded woman asserts that she has never set foot in Atlas Beach Club. According to her, the fake news must have made her friends and teachers in Singapore laugh."


"I didn't even inject Atlas Beach Club, how could they engineer it to that extent!! Trying to bring someone down to this extent... Does it have such an impact on me?? My friends, all the teachers in Singapore must be laughing,"
word Feli.


Accused of Clubbing and Dancing Erotically, Felicia Tissue, Former Girlfriend of Kaesang, Speaks Out

According to Feli, his closest people know what his true nature is like.

"Hey! They know me since elementary school and they really know my personality, my behavior, and how I always carry myself. I can't help but laugh when I found out that this hoax is being spread."
"tutur Feli."


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