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Artis Meninggal Usai Sedot Lemak, Diduga Jadi Korban Malapraktik, Intip 10 Potret Nanie Darham

"Artist Dies After Liposuction, Suspected Victim of Malpractice, Take a Look at 10 Photos of Nanie Darham"

"Artis Meninggal Usai Jalani Sedot Lemak" translates to "Artist Dies After Undergoing Liposuction" in English.

Dream - Sad news comes from the entertainment industry of the homeland. Nanie Darham, the star of the film 'Air Terjun Pengantin', is reported to have passed away after undergoing liposuction surgery. Nanie Darham passed away on October 21, 2023, allegedly becoming a victim of malpractice at one of the clinics in South Jakarta. Moreover, the 40-year-old artist had just given birth to a child two months ago, precisely in August 2023.

"Nanie Darham left behind two precious hearts who are still 3 years and 2 months old. Curious about what kind of person Nanie Darham is?"

Artist Dies After Liposuction, Suspected Victim of Malpractice, Check Out 10 Photos of Nanie Darham

"Come on, let's take a look at the following picture!"

Inilah sosok Nanie Darham, bintang film 'Air Terjun Pengantin'

This is the figure of Nanie Darham, the star of the movie 'Air Terjun Pengantin'.

Nanie Darham passed away on October 21, 2023 after undergoing a liposuction procedure.

Nanie Darham passed away on October 21, 2023 after undergoing a liposuction procedure.

Nanie Darham underwent a liposuction procedure at a clinic in South Jakarta on October 21, 2023, with an operation cost of Rp 300 million.

Nanie Darham underwent a liposuction procedure at a clinic in South Jakarta on October 21, 2023, with an operation cost of Rp 300 million.

However, just five minutes after operating hours, Nanie Darham was rushed to Dr. Suyoto Hospital, Bintaro, South Jakarta.

However, just five minutes after operating hours, Nanie Darham was rushed to Dr. Suyoto Hospital, Bintaro, South Jakarta.

Nanie Darham meninggal bersimbah darah pada mata dan hidungnya.

Nanie Darham died with blood pouring from her eyes and nose.

Melihat kejanggalan pada meninggal Nanie Darham, pihak keluarga pun langsung melaporkan klinik terkait atas dugaaan perbuatan pidana malapraktik.

Seeing the irregularities in the death of Nanie Darham, the family immediately reported the clinic involved for alleged criminal malpractice.

Nanie Darham diketahui baru melahirkan dua bulan sebelum menjalani operasi plastik, tepatnya Agustus 2023.

"Nanie Darham is known to have given birth two months before undergoing plastic surgery, precisely in August 2023."

Sebelumnya, Nanie disarankan  dokter untuk menunggu enam bulan sebelum melakukan operasi. Namun, klinik tempat ia menjalani liposuction tetap melakukan prosedur tanpa memperhatikan risiko bagi pasien yang baru melahirkan.<br>

"Previously, Nanie was advised by the doctor to wait for six months before undergoing surgery. However, the clinic where she underwent liposuction still proceeded with the procedure without considering the risks for a newly delivered patient."

Nanie Darham meninggalkan dua buah hati yang masih berusia 3 tahun dan 2 bulan.

Nanie Darham left behind two precious hearts who are still 3 years and 2 months old.

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