"We present Dj Hajjah Aurel, please," said the account Dheaambar_."So funny please Dj Hajjah Aurel," said the account wofiecar."
"Dream - Aurel Hermansyah is once again facing criticism from netizens, this time for going viral on social media showing herself happily DJing. In the video seen on the TikTok account @gemmi_ameena_azura, Aurel Hermansyah, wearing a pink dress and a cream-colored hijab, is seen dancing while her fingers play the buttons on the turntable and DJ mixer."
Meanwhile, in front of Aurel, there is Atta Halilintar and their daughter, Ameena, who looks very serious watching her DJ performance. This video has sparked various comments from netizens, with many being sarcastic and criticizing Aurel for DJing even though she is already wearing a hijab.
The translation of "Balasan Menohok Atta Halilintar" to English is "A Punchy Response from Atta Halilintar."
"Seeing his wife receive various criticisms from netizens, Atta Halilintar did not remain silent. He provided a striking response to those who made negative comments about his wife."
"Is it not allowed to DJ at home? Is it not allowed in front of the kids and husband? Ready to be wrong," replied Atta Halilintar."
"Meanwhile, there are also other netizens who give support and praise to Aurel."
"Mama Nur is truly multi-talented .. keep creating Mama Nur. We are proud of you," expressed the account anita fach. "Awesome Mama Nur, even though you are a housewife, you can still be a DJ," said the account muamalah sutrisno.
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