"Dream - Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah receive ridicule and are considered to ruin the moment while singing at the GBK Stadium during the match between the Indonesian National Team and the Philippines, which took place on Tuesday night, June 11, 2024."
After the national team match, Ashanty and Anang, along with three other singers, sang the song "Kebyar-Kebyar" and then performed the song "Rindu Ini".
Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah are considered unfit to perform the song 'Rindu Ini' amidst the happiness felt by the players and spectators because Timnas successfully defeated the Philippines.
However, in fact, Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah can perform at GBK not without reason.
Through Instagram Story, Ashanty tells how she was asked to sing two songs.
"On the 6th, Arsya was invited to accompany Garuda and was asked if she wanted to watch the Indonesia-Filipina match. She really wanted to, then she was asked to sing 2 national songs and 1 song, with Mr. Anang on the beat?. She immediately answered 'ready'!! Hehe For the sake of @\/timnas.Indonesia,""
write Ashanty in insta stories posting.
However, when they appeared, Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah received boos from the audience to the point of walking out of the middle of the field. This couple is considered to have ruined the moment of performing the song 'Rindu Ini'.
Until the supporters of the Indonesian national team harmoniously sing the song "Indonesia Pusaka" resounding in the stadium.
As a result of the received insults, Ashanty has closed the comment section in her Instagram post.
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