Dream - Gunawan Dwi Cahyo in his recent stories post admitted about the viral photo showing him walking with a woman wearing a hijab. The photo is said to be taken at a location in Kediri, East Java.
Gunawan and the woman suspected to be Kee Yunita allegedly met because they had a meal together at a restaurant. Although Gunawan admitted the photo, Kiesha Alvaro's stepfather emphasized that his relationship with Kee Yunita is only as ordinary friends.
The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The denial was also conveyed from an Instagram account allegedly owned by Kee Yunita. In the upload, the alleged account belonging to Keen stated that there is only one Instagram account owned by them. They confirmed that any account claiming to be them is fake and made by someone else."
"Assalamualaikum, I apologize but my IG account is only @kee_yunita, I do not have any other accounts like the one above, that is not me. Thank you in advance, stay healthy for all of us,""
write the account
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Soal tuduhan adanya kedekatannya dengan Gunawan Dwi Cahyo dan dituduh sebagai orang ketika dalam pernikahan Okie Agustina, Kee Yunita tak memberikan komentar secara tegas.Ken hanya menyampaikan jika Gunawan bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan ini dengan baik." Translation: "Regarding the accusation of her closeness with Gunawan Dwi Cahyo and being accused as the third person in Okie Agustina's marriage, Kee Yunita did not give a clear comment. She only conveyed that Gunawan could resolve this issue well."
"And this TikTok account is not my account either, hopefully friends can be wiser in social media. Whatever news is out there, let it be resolved properly by the parties involved as it should be."
"tuturnya." in English is "he/she said."
Message from Kee Yunita
Kee Yunita also advised netizens to be wiser in expressing their comments on social media accounts. She also reminded the public not to immediately judge others without knowing the actual facts first.
"We don't need to judge anything that we don't know the truth about. Thank you,"
"tuturnya." translates to "his/her words."
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