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Uncover Wife's Affair, 8 Portraits of Sexy Rapper Goath Who is Now in the Spotlight, Anji Manji the Third Person?

Uncover Wife's Affair, 8 Portraits of Sexy Rapper Goath Who is Now in the Spotlight, Anji Manji the Third Person?

Dream - Sexy Goath rapper's name is currently in the spotlight after revealing evidence of his wife's infidelity, Juliette Angela. What's even more surprising is that Anji Manji's name is also dragged into the adultery case. It turns out that Sexy Goath accuses his wife of having an affair with Anji. Moreover, Sexy Goath mentioned that his wife became more secretive since joining Anji's label. So, what is the portrait of Sexy Goath like?

Inilah potret pemilik nama asli Reinaldo Martin alias Sexy Goath.

This is a portrait of the owner with the real name Reinaldo Martin alias Sexy Goath.

Ia menghebohkan media sosial usai mengungkapkan perselingkuhan sang istri, Juliette Angela.

It caused a social media frenzy after revealing his wife's affair, Juliette Angela.

"Because, Sexy Goath accuses Anji Manji as the third person in their marriage."

"He revealed several pieces of evidence in the form of airplane tickets under the names Juliette and Anji."

Terlebih sejak sang istri bergabung dengan label Anji, ia menyebut Juliette menjadi lebih tertutup.

"Especially since his wife joined Anji label, he mentioned that Juliette has become more reserved."

Sebelumnya, Sexy Goath pernah mengatakan jika ia tak setuju ketika Juliette masuk dalam label Anji.

"Previously, Sexy Goath had expressed disagreement when Juliette joined Anji's label."

However, in the end, he returned all decisions to his wife.

However, in the end, he returned all decisions to his wife.

"Now he is actually revealing allegations of his wife's affair with Anji."

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