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Family Reveals Father's Changes After Reconciling with Rizky Billar
Family Reveals Father's Changes After Reconciling with Rizky Billar Endang Mulyana, Rizky Billar, Lesti

Dream - After Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora reconciled, Endang Mulyana chose to return to her hometown. It is reported that she still cannot fully accept her son-in-law, considering what Billar did to her beloved child.

Regarding this matter, Lesti's relative, Mang Bule, dismissed the issue. He sees that Endang Mulyana is now able to smile again, unlike some time ago when the domestic violence case was a sensation.

"Father is also happy, he seems to be happy. I also feel happy, unlike before when father looked gloomy and sad, you know, I saw father like that," said Mang Bule as quoted from the YouTube channel Intens Investigasi, on Friday, November 4, 2022.


As for Endang's return to her hometown in Cianjur, it does not mean that she intentionally wants to be far from Lesti or Rizky Billar.

"Let father be happy here in the village. Maybe father feels tired in the city, but in the village, he looks happy," he said.

According to Bule, Endang Mulyana often goes back to her hometown and spends time with her family.

"I don't know when she goes back, like the other day when she suddenly went back and asked the kids to have a meal together," he said.

It turns out that Lesti Kejora has started to recover after withdrawing the domestic violence report against her husband, Rizky Billar. She even returned to performing in dangdut events.

In a poster posted on the Instagram account @ayah_kejora, her father, Endang Mulyana, revealed that his daughter will perform in the event 'Tak Kenal Maka Tak Goyang' (No Introduction, No Dance).

Through the post, Endang Mulyana also prayed for Lesti to be able to rise again from her dark past.

"Shine, Kejora, may you be blessed and become a blessing," wrote Endang in his post.


He also wished for Lesti and her small family to be given health and safety. "Our sincere prayers for you, always be healthy for you and your family," he said.

Endang Mulyana's post was flooded with comments from netizens. Many netizens also joined in praying for the singer of the song 'Kejora'.

"Masha Allah, miss you and mother Lesti, please send my regards to mother Lesti, take care, father Kejora, and mother Lesti, may you always be under the protection of Allah SWT, Amen," said the account @firahartati245.

"Masha Allah, there is a pious child, mother, healthy and smooth event, I miss you, mother," replied the account @nurulrahmatika._.

"Is it true that she will perform on November 19-20 at Jexpo Kemayoran? If that's true, I must watch it," said the account @afitaa34.

It is known that Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar no longer appear on television after the sensational domestic violence case that attracted public attention.

Nevertheless, there have been circulating moments of them spending time together. One of them is when they went fishing.

In a photo uploaded by the Instagram account @lambe_danu_official99, it can be seen that one of Lesti and Billar's fans captured the moment of their meeting and uploaded it to social media.


In the photo, Lesti appeared simple, wearing a purple hijab and glasses. Meanwhile, Rizky Billar wore a white t-shirt.

Lesti and Rizky Billar's appearance has attracted attention and netizens have been commenting.

"Dedek has become a big sister now," said the account @cindyandinii.

"lesty has lost weight," replied the account @heiradwi.

"Lesty looks so thin, like a grandma," wrote the account @vickyandinyputri.

Previously, Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora were rumored to be bankrupt because they no longer appeared on television. They were even said to have moved to a smaller house.

In response to the news, Yudie Revan, Rizky Billar's brother, stated that his brother is currently no longer appearing on television. However, he confirmed that Billar has many businesses.

"Billar has many businesses. As far as I know, he doesn't have a TV show, but he has many businesses," said Yudie Revan on the YouTube channel Intens Investigasi.

Meanwhile, Bobby, Rizky Billar's other brother, admitted that his brother's job has significantly decreased and his income has dropped.

Rizky Billar's Face Expression When Apologizing to Lesti Kejora Highlighted

"Well, it's not like before, for sure. With these unfortunate events and incidents, things are not going as smoothly as before," he said.

However, Bobby ensured that Rizky Billar is still able to provide for his wife and child. They are also living together in harmony.

"Alhamdulillah, they are living together, even sharing a room. They have reconciled," he added.

Previously, Lesti Kejora received a special gift from Rizky Billar in the form of the latest Apple smartphone, iPhone 14.


In her insta stories post, the singer of 'Kejora' expressed her gratitude to her husband. "Thank you, papa abang," said Lesti Kejora.

Lesti also prayed for her husband's continuous blessings as he continues to spoil her.

"May blessings always come abundantly, under the protection of Allah," she said.

It is known that the relationship between Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar has improved after withdrawing the domestic violence report. They were even caught spending time together.

Lesti accompanied Billar playing soccer with his friends. They were seen sitting intimately together on the sidelines of the field.

Their affectionate moment was revealed in a video from the YouTube channel 'seleb cam'. Unfortunately, when asked for a statement after playing soccer, the couple remained silent. They quickly entered their car as the media bombarded them with questions.

Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar

Photo: YouTube seleb cam


Nevertheless, netizens have commented on the harmony shown by Lesti and Billar.

Many are happy to see them reunited after the domestic violence case.

Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar

Photo: YouTube seleb cam

"Oh my God... It's like when they were still in the early stages of dating... Shy, shy...," wrote the account @ida rahmawati.

"Alhamdulillah, they are reunited, may they always be in harmony and peace, always be healthy, Amen, yra," wrote the account @Nida Hermina.

"Alhamdulillah, silence is golden, my dear Leslar, always be healthy, a pious child under the protection of Allah, Amen," said the account Ainun Siti.

"Honestly... even if they just remain silent, I'm already happy just watching their video... My best prayers for both of them," wrote the account Yuleni Darwanis.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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