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Inara Rusli Challenged to Remove Makeup, Her Bare Face Makes People Stunned
Inara Rusli Challenged to Remove Makeup, Her Bare Face Makes People Stunned Inara Rusli (Photo: @mommy_starla)

Dream - Inara Rusli's debut live stream on the TikTok platform has brought many interesting things. In addition to being surprised by receiving gifts worth tens of millions from netizens, Inara also revealed her beauty routine that she has been doing.

The beauty routine of a woman named Inara Idola Rusli was revealed when a netizen challenged her to remove her makeup. She accepted the challenge by wiping her face with a cotton pad.

Although it looks like she is removing her makeup, the woman who decided to remove her veil and become more active on social media admits that she is not the type of woman who often wears makeup.

"I don't wear makeup, so I don't need to remove powder," Inara said as quoted from the TikTok account @gadiskuat7711, Thursday, May 25, 2023.

Curious about what Inara's face looks like without makeup? Here's the review from Dream.

Clean and White

Inara Rusli without makeup

Inara admits to never wearing makeup. She prefers to use serum for the health of her facial skin. It is proven when doing a live TikTok, Inara's face looks clean and white.

Showing Proof

Inara Rusli without makeup

Inara proves it by showing a white cotton pad that she used to wipe her face.

"Here, there is no powder. No powder, no foundation because if I use powder, it becomes like a mask," Inara said.

Make Tiktokers Jealous

Inara Rusli without makeup

Inara's video clip has been commented on by netizens. They are shocked to find out that Inara's fair complexion is actually natural without makeup. Many are envious of having a clean white complexion like Inara Rusli. 

"I really want her skin like Inara, Masha Allah," wrote @gladvia.

"Masha Allah," said @ini nanaa.

"She's already beautiful even without makeup, Inara is still beautiful," wrote @user66662815072442.

"Wow.. Masha Allah.. I'm so jealous," said @Rikha_Anggia.

Inara Rusli Shocked by Gifts from Sultans in Her First TikTok Live: `Is This Not Wrong?`

Dream - Inara Rusli proves her promise to work hard to meet her needs independently. Besides her Instagram stories that are starting to gain attention with endorsement posts, Inara, who is becoming active on social media, is also starting to try out the Tiktok platform.

For the first time, Inara tried doing a live broadcast using the short video sharing platform.

Inara's first live streaming attracted the attention of many TikTokers. A total of 68 thousand netizens watched the live broadcast of the mother of three.

Not only watching, Inara was surprised when many TikTokers threw gifts ranging from rose pictures, hearts, to shark fish, which when liquidated amounted to millions of rupiah.

Inara Rusli

`Is This Not Wrong?`

"Oh my, this is not wrong, there are so many gifts. So many gifts, Masha Allah," said Inara.

Inara couldn't stop smiling as she saw the sultans who watched her live tiktok and gave gifts that were not trivial in value.

This post was reposted by the Instagram account @terangmedia, and netizens who saw it also commented.

"Making money is so easy if you're pretty," said the account fahrurrozi.rozi.

"Masha Allah, blessings come to you, sister Inara," replied the account maycandr.

"Pharaoh is crying seeing this hahaha....stay healthy, sister Inara...blessings for children come from anywhere...stay strong," wrote the account icam.semprul.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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