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Dikenal Super Tajir, Begini Penampakan Rumah Kontrakan Reza Gladys Saat Masih Susah, Pernah Terlilit Utang hingga Diusir Paksa

Known as Super Rich, This is the Appearance of Reza Gladys' Rental House When They Were Still Struggling, They Once Got Burdened with Debt and Were Forced to Evict

Dream - Some time ago, the figure of beauty doctor Reza Gladys became a hot topic. Because one of her trusted employees tried to seduce her husband. Even that employee sent a nude photo to Reza Gladys' husband. This made her briefly disappear from social media. But now Reza Gladys has returned to share her activities of selling skincare products. She is indeed known as one of the skincare owners who now has abundant wealth.

However, who would have thought that in the past, Siti Badrian's sister-in-law had experienced a difficult life, even to the point of being burdened with debt. She also once lived in a rented house until she was evicted because she couldn't afford to pay.

Known as Super Rich, This is the Appearance of Reza Gladys' Rental House When They Were Still Struggling, They Once Had Debts and Were Forced to Be Evicted

Now he has successfully proven his success, even Reza Gladys and his family have just occupied a luxury house worth tens of billions of rupiah.

Known as Super Rich, This is the Appearance of Reza Gladys' Rental House When They Were Still Struggling, They Once Had Debts and Were Forced to Be Evicted
Known as Super Rich, This is the Appearance of Reza Gladys' Rental House When They Were Still Struggling, They Once Had Debts and Were Forced to Be Evicted
In the TikTok post by Reza Gladys, a fairly small rented house consisting of one bedroom, a narrow living room, and also a bathroom can be seen.

In the TikTok post by Reza Gladys, a fairly small rented house consisting of one bedroom, a narrow living room, and also a bathroom can be seen.

Gladys menceritakan jika dirinya dan suaminya pernah diusir dari kontrakan tersebut karena tidak memiliki uang untuk membayar

Gladys tells if she and her husband were once evicted from the rented house because they didn't have money to pay.

They continue to strive to improve their lives. Over time, their efforts bear sweet fruit.

They continue to strive to improve their lives. Over time, their efforts bear sweet fruit.

Now Gladys and her family have just moved into their new house which is layered with marble.

Now Gladys and her family have just moved into their new house which is layered with marble.

Disebutkan jika hunian tersebut dibangun di atas lahan seluas 2 ribu meter

It is mentioned that the residence is built on a land area of 2 thousand square meters.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "It is known that the luxurious house is worth almost Rp 85 billion. No wonder if it is already equipped with various facilities."

Bahkan sangking jauhnya jarak antar ruangan, Gladys juga menyiapkan lift untuk memudahkan mobilitasnya

"Even with the distance between rooms being so far, Gladys also prepared an elevator to facilitate her mobility."

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Ready to be Inhabited with Husband, This is the Luxury of Ayu Ting Ting's New House that Becomes the Spotlight

Ayu and Fardana's marriage is said to be held in November.

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