"Dream - Nathalie Holscher is currently enjoying her old profession as a DJ (Disk Jockey) again. Through her Instagram account @nathalieholscher, she uploads many moments while DJing. It is known that Nathalie decided to return to being a DJ after her divorce from Sule. This is because she needs to support the life of her son, Adzam."
The ex-wife of comedian Sule often shares videos of herself performing as a DJ. She looks beautiful with her long hair down. In her latest video while DJing, Umi Pipik, who can be said to be her spiritual teacher, also commented. Umi Pipik encouraged Nathalie, who is currently struggling to support her son and herself.
"In the video, Umi Pipik also appears to remind Nathalie not to ever forget to pray and to pay attention to her clothing when performing.
'Stay enthusiastic dear, the important thing is not to leave out your prayers, okay darling, and make sure your clothes are still modest and stay healthy,' wrote Umi Pipik."
The 31-year-old woman replied to a comment from Umi Pipik, and also made sure to pray for continued health. “Always, ummi.. pray for good physical and spiritual health.” replied Nathalie.
The post attracted the attention of many netizens, many were touched by Umi Pipik's comment and gave encouragement to Nathalie, who has to work because she is a single parent. “Masya Allah, Nathalie and Adzam's fortune is extraordinary, as well as her siblings.. keep up the spirit, okay,” wrote a netizen. “Umi is really touched by the comments, encouraging @nathalieholscher, many love you,” wrote another netizen.
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