"Dream - Reza Gladys is known as a famous beauty doctor in Indonesia. Reza Gladys has a beauty clinic at Glafidsya Aesthetic Clinic Jakarta. Besides being known as a beauty doctor, Siti Badriah's sister-in-law is also an influencer. This mother of five children also often creates content on social media accounts, from Instagram to TikTok."
Interestingly, Reza Gladys' appearance did not escape attention. This is because Reza Gladys' face is considered too glowing and sharp. Moreover, her appearance caused a sensation among the public because she wore tight skin-colored cuffs. As a result, the appearance that went viral was widely commented on by netizens. Many of them gave criticism.
Now, Reza Gladys's appearance is even cooler and more fashionable. He also looks forever young despite having five children. Here is the transformation of Reza Gladys, Dream's review.
"Portrait Before Wearing Hijab"
This is the appearance of Krisjiana Baharudin's biological sister before deciding to wear a hijab. Since long ago, Reza Gladys has always had a slim body. The only difference is that she didn't wear a hijab before, but now she appears wearing one.
"Still Kinyis-kinyis"
Although already having children, Reza Gladys' appearance looks neat like a girl with her long hair. And what hasn't changed about Reza Gladys is being fashionable since long ago.
"Glowing Face"
One of the changes in Reza Gladys' appearance is her glowing face. Since becoming a doctor and a beauty clinic entrepreneur, Reza Gladys' face has become even more glowing. In fact, her face is as smooth as a slide. This is what caught the public's attention and went viral.
"Pregnancy Time"
"Although heavily pregnant, Reza Gladys still looks sexy during a photoshoot with her husband Reza Gladys."
"Kece Appearance"
The appearance of Reza Gladys looks even cooler and very fashionable. Moreover, her style looks like a girl when she appears wearing a leather jacket combined with denim pants. Her appearance becomes even cooler when Reza Gladys complements it with black sunglasses and chain necklace accessories.
Because of his youthful appearance, Reza Gladys looks forever young. However, he already has five children. Not only that, Reza Gladys is also harmonious with her husband and their five children.
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