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Once Famous, Now These 6 Artists Live in Simple Houses Until Some Still Rent
Once Famous, Now These 6 Artists Live in Simple Houses Until Some Still Rent Didin Boneng (Photo: YouTube Pedi Lubis)

Dream - The wheel of life keeps turning. The same goes for the careers of Indonesian celebrities, maybe their careers were brilliant in the past, but then faded, even completely extinguished.

There are many factors that have caused them to sink. It could be because they couldn't keep up with the times, had problems, or lost to new artists in competition.

For example, these five artists, they went bankrupt and had to live in simple rented houses. Although they were once successful, their lives now seem to be struggling, living a simple and pitiful life in their homes.

So who are these artists? Here's the review from Dream.

1. Ken Ken, the Actor of Wiro Sableng

Ken Ken's House Wirosableng


Ken Ken was known as a drama actor. His name soared thanks to the soap opera Wiro Sableng. He also had great success starring in several soap operas. However, the life of the man whose real name is Herning Sukendro changed at the end of his career. Ken Ken chose to live in a simple house and do farming.

2. Fahmi Bo

Fahmi Bo's House


This big-bodied actor was also known as one of the actors in popular soap operas and films. Although not the main character, his face often appeared in various soap operas and films.

However, Fahmi Bo's life changed when he was no longer famous like before. In addition, Fahmi also suffered a stroke. Now Fahmi lives in a small boarding house.

3. Misca Fortuna

Misca Mancung's Rental House

Photo: YouTube SCTV

Misca Fortuna is also one of the child actors who once soared. He starred in several soap operas with thousands of episodes.

However, the child actor known as Misca Mancung now lives a simple life with his mother and younger sibling. His life changed after he was no longer famous. He only lives in a small rented house with his mother and younger sibling.

4. Dondot Teamlo

Dondot Teamlo's House


Teamlo comedy group is one of the famous groups. One of its members, Dondot, contributed to the group's national success. But when his career no longer shone, Dondot lived a simple life. In front of his house, Dondot sells fried snacks.

5. Ony Syahrial

Ony Syahrial's House

Photo: YouTube Celananya Aguskuya

Who doesn't know the figure of Ony Syahrial, the actor who played Tuyul named Ucil in the soap opera Tuyul and Mbak Yul. This soap opera was popular in its time. Ony's career was also quite successful back then. However, now Ony no longer appears on television screens. He also lives a simple life in his house located in a narrow alley.

6. Boneng

Boneng's Rental House

Photo: YouTube Pedi Lubis

Didin Boneng, the security guard in the DKI comedy group, was once very famous. Although only a supporting actor, Zainal Abidin Zetta, his real name, was popular from the 70s to the 2000s.

But when he was no longer famous, Boneng lived a simple life in a small rented house.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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