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Pernah Terlibat Perseteruan, Inilah Perbandingan Rumah Evi Masamba dan Aty Kodong, Mana Lebih Mewah?

Ever Involved in Conflict, Here's a Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

Dream - Aty Kodong and Evi Masamba are dangdut singers who came from the D'Academy competition in the first and second seasons. Despite having the same profession, both of them have been involved in a feud.

That is related to the wedding of dangdut singer Lesti Kejora. Where Aty Kodong did not receive a wedding invitation from Lesti. Aty's frustration was expressed through social media, stating that Lesti had forgotten her. This was responded to by Evi, who said that Aty Kodong was being hot-headed. Regardless of the issue, it is known that Aty and Evi have a luxurious house as a result of their hard work as dangdut singers. Want to know what Aty Kodong and Evi Masamba's house looks like? Here is a summary as compiled by Dream for you.

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

This is the appearance of the front part of Aty Kodong's house, which looks minimalist dominated by white color. In front of the house, there is also a carport for cars.

Meanwhile, Evi Masamba's house appears to be located in a complex. The complex contains several luxury houses, one of which is Evi Masamba's house.

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?
Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

The bedroom of Aty Kodong has a luxurious-looking bed dominated by the color red. This is where Aty rests with her husband.

Meanwhile, Evi Masamba's room looks minimalist with a soft color dominance. Where the bed is gray and equipped with air conditioning.

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?
Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

One side of Aty Kodong's house interior appears to be using wallpaper. There are even several photos of Aty Kodong displayed on the walls of her house.

The following translation preserves the HTML tags: "Evi Masamba's house interior also uses wallpaper with a soft and luxurious motif. It becomes more aesthetic with the presence of a unique mirror on the wall."

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?
Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

It seems that Aty Kodong likes bright colors. This can also be seen from the red sofa in her living room.

While the living room in Evi Masamba's house uses calm colors. The same goes for the furniture, which is brown in color.

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?
Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

Bright colors in Aty are evenly visible in several rooms. Like in this room. The curtains and chairs are also in a dark pink color that makes the room look colorful.

While at home, Evi Masamba is rarely seen using furniture with bright colors. However, this makes her dwelling feel calming.

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?
Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?

The unique thing about Aty Kodong's house is her bathroom. The toilet appears very luxurious in the form of a sofa resembling a royal throne.

Meanwhile, Evi Masamba's bathroom carries a minimalist concept with a combination of white and gray colors, equipped with a large sink and mirror.

Once Involved in a Feud, Here is the Comparison of Evi Masamba and Aty Kodong's Houses, Which One is More Luxurious?
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