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Pernah Terlibat Cinta Lokasi, 8 Potret Bisma SMASH, Ramai Dijodohkan Lagi dengan Natasha Rizky

"Ever Involved in Location Love, 8 Portraits of Bisma SMASH, Buzzing with Being Matched Again with Natasha Rizky"

"Dream - The name Bisma SMASH suddenly became busy being matched with Desta's ex-wife, Natasha Rizky. The news spread because Bisma and Natasha were rumored to have been involved in a location love affair when they acted together in a soap opera. Bisma also revealed that his relationship with Natasha is now only limited to being friends. They still maintain good communication. The same thing was also stated by Natasha."

"On the other hand, the singer from Bandung continues to work in the music industry of the homeland. His fans are always waiting for the latest news from Bisma. So, what does the portrait of Bisma SMASH look like?"

Once Involved in Location Love, 8 Photos of Bisma SMASH, Buzzing Matched Again with Natasha Rizky
Inilah potret terbaru Bisma SMASH yang ramai dijodohkan kembali dengan Natasha Rizky

This is the latest portrait of Bisma SMASH who is being rumored to be matched again with Natasha Rizky.

Bisma pun mengungkapkan jika kini hubungannya dengan Natasha hanya sebatas teman baik

Bisma also revealed that his relationship with Natasha is now only limited to good friends.

Bisma menyebut jika pertemanannya dengan Natahsa terjalin baik sejak keduanya bermain sinetron yang sama

Bisma mentioned that his friendship with Natahsa has been going well since they both starred in the same soap opera.

Di sisi lain, Bisma masih tetap eksi di industri musik Tanah Air

"On the other hand, Bisma still remains excellent in the music industry of the homeland."

"He is still creating various new works that are always anticipated by his loyal fans."

Bisma juga beberapa kali tampil bersama member SMASH lainnya kala mengisi acara

"Bisma has also appeared several times with other SMASH members when filling events."

The appearance of Bisma has not changed much since the beginning of his career.

The appearance of Bisma has not changed much since the beginning of his career.

Ia tetap identik dengan tubuhnya yang tak begitu berisi. Bahkan sempat beredar kabar jika Bisma tengah berjuang melawan sakitnya

It remains synonymous with his not-so-full body. There were even rumors circulating that Bisma was fighting against his illness.

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10 Portraits of Emil Dardak's Bucin Moments with Arumi Bachsin, Guaranteed to Make You Baper

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