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The translated text in English while preserving the HTML tags is:

The translated text in English while preserving the HTML tags is: "Latest Portrait of Mpok Atiek After 20 Years of Silicone Injections on the Face"

Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah

Dream - Mpok Atiek is one of the artists who has tried various ways to become beautiful. One of them is through silicone injections. She has made a confession about her 20-year-long silicone injections on her face. Here is the latest appearance of Mpok Atiek after the silicone removal surgery.

"Mpok Atiek admits regretting being tempted by silicone injections after seeing her friend transform into a more beautiful person."

Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah
Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah

Instead of her face changing to be beautiful as desired, Mpok Atiek actually experiences the opposite.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "66-year-old artist told the story that at that time she didn't need to pay for the silicone injection she underwent. A friend offered her the treatment for free."

Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah
Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah

In the morning show Pagi Pagi Ambyar on TRANS TV. Mpok Atiek did not know that the person injecting silicone was not a doctor or professional staff.

"Because of how clueless she was, she didn't even ask what it was (silicone or filler)," she added. Mpok Atiek herself has been getting silicone injections on her face since the 90s until 2010."

Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah
Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah

"Since his friends said his face looked strange, he went to the doctor and was advised to have silicone removal surgery to prevent it from turning into cancer. "You should consult a doctor, it seems like it could be cancer," said Mpok Atiek imitating her friend's words."

Until now, it is estimated that Mpok Atiek has undergone 21 silicone removal surgeries.

Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah
Potret Terbaru Mpok Atiek Usai 20 Tahun Suntik Silikon di Wajah

advised not to be careless when choosing facial treatments.

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