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Deretan Artis yang Memiliki Kebun Binatang di Halaman Rumah

"Row of Artists who Have a Zoo in their Home Yard"

These artist houses have a fairly large yard, so they can keep many animals at home.

Dream - Not only spacious, the luxurious homes of several Indonesian artists also have various facilities, such as a sports room, gym, swimming pool, and karaoke room. However, among the celebrities who own luxurious homes, there are also those who have mini zoos in their yards. So, who are the artists who have zoos in their yards? Here is the review:

Raline Shah

"Raline Shah"

Raline Shah's house, located in Medan, North Sumatra, turns out to have a very spacious yard. Behind her house, there is even a mini zoo inhabited by several animals, such as birds and deer.

"Alshad Ahmad"

Various animals live in the mini zoo behind the house, ranging from tigers, leopards, deer, binturongs, to peacocks.

Irfan Hakim

"Irfan Hakim"

Irfan Hakim is one of the animal lover artists. In his house, there are various types of animals. Starting from peacocks, fish, deer, turtles, horses, to alpacas.

Row of Artists Who Have a Zoo in Their Yard
Niko Al Hakim

"Niko Al Hakim"

There is a mini zoo behind his house. Inhabited by red fox, crocodile, caracal, fennec fox, serval, and even bambino cat.

"Lucky Hakim"

"Lucky Hakim is also an animal lover artist. He has a mini zoo at his home with several collections, ranging from fish, snakes, reptiles, to birds."

Alshad Highlighted

Alshad Highlighted

This is a list of artists who have mini zoos in their backyard. Among these artists, Alshad Ahmad is the most highlighted because he keeps several tigers at his home.

It can be seen in this video that Alshad Ahmad's house has a mini zoo in his yard.

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