"Dream - Tiko Aryawardhana is being highlighted after his former wife, Arina Winarto, reported him to the police for alleged embezzlement of Rp6.9 billion from the company."
On this incident, Tiko's personal life began to be scrutinized, starting from assets to total wealth owned. This includes the dowry given by Tiko to BCL being compared to the late Ashraf Sinclair.
Then what about Mas Kawin received by BCL from Ashraf and Tiko Aryawardahan, here is the explanation. Tiko Aryawardahan and Bunga Citra Lestari got married on December 2, 2023, at one of the luxurious resorts in Bali. Their wedding was held privately, only attended by family and close relatives.
Tiko dowry
During the marriage vow, Tiko gave a dowry in the form of 212 grams of precious metal or if converted to Indonesian Rupiah, it reaches Rp240 million. Tiko and BCL's wedding ring is a 0.3 carat Frank Fire, with a center diamond and a total of 34 pieces, which is predicted to be expensive.
"Maskawin Ashraf Sinclair"
In the meantime, Bunga Citra Lestari and the late Ashraf Sinclair got married on November 8, 2008 at one of the starred hotels in Jakarta. Based on the information obtained, Ashraf Sinclair's diamond earrings weigh 1.5 grams with an estimated value of Rp60 million.
Ashraf held a wedding with BCL in four different places, namely at Masjid Al Bina Senayan Jakarta Pusat, Golden Ballroom Hotel Sultan Jakarta, The Saujana Kuala Lumpur Hotel, Subang, and Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam (KGPA), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
While Tiko held a wedding with BCL at the luxurious Amankila resort in Bali, with room prices around Rp25 million per night. As for the wedding venue price, Tiko is suspected to have spent around Rp500 million to Rp1.8 billion.
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