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Turns out they're twins! 10 Style Showdown Natasha Wilona VS Vior, Said to Resemble Siblings

Turns out they're twins! 10 Style Showdown Natasha Wilona VS Vior, Said to Resemble Siblings

Dream - The name Vior has recently become very popular on social media. Starting from being a brand ambassador for e-sport games, Vior has transformed into one of the most beloved celebrities. Although often called empty-headed, Vior has a beautiful face. In fact, she is said to have a resemblance to the beautiful artist Natasha Wilona. Some netizens even say that they look like siblings.

"Are both of them really have similar faces? Check out their portraits below!"

Turns out they're twins! 10 Style Showdown Natasha Wilona VS Vior Said to Resemble Siblings
Natasha Wilona dikenal sebagai artis cantik di Indonesia.

Natasha Wilona is known as a beautiful artist in Indonesia.

"While Vior is known as an empty-headed influencer."

Uniknya, Wilona dan Vior disebut memiliki paras yang mirip.

Uniquely, Wilona and Vior are said to have similar looks.

Bahkan,dr Richard Lee juga mengatakan jika keduanya kembar.

Even, Dr. Richard Lee also said that they are twins.

Although so, Wilona is actually 1 year older than Vior. Wilona was born on December 15, 1998.

Although so, Wilona is actually 1 year older than Vior. Wilona was born on December 15, 1998.

Sementara lahir pada 26 Juli 1999.

"While born on July 26, 1999."

Saat bersanding gini, mereka mirip nggak?

"When sitting together like this, do they look similar?"

Tak heran jika keduanya berparas mirip lantaran sama-sama berdarah Tionghoa.

It's no wonder that both of them have similar appearances because they both have Chinese blood.

Bagaimana menurutmu, mirip tidak?

"How do you think, is it similar or not?"

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