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10 Special Qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW that are Amazing, Unlike Ordinary Humans, Yet His Humility is Extraordinary.

10 Special Qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW that are Amazing, Unlike Ordinary Humans, Yet His Humility is Extraordinary.

Dream - The Prophet Muhammad SAW is the last prophet who preached the teachings of Islam to mankind. His uniqueness as the final prophet needs to be known, especially for Muslims. Prophet Muhammad SAW was not only bestowed with great miracles, but he also possessed special privileges that only he SAW had.

"Not an Ordinary Human"

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The scholars refer to Prophet Muhammad SAW as 'basyarun laa kalbasyari', which means a human being unlike any other human being. Although outwardly he appears as an ordinary human being, but Prophet Muhammad SAW has a special privilege that no other human being possesses wherever they may be. This is because Allah only grants this privilege to His beloved, Prophet Muhammad SAW."


The humility is extraordinary.

Even though he received privileges from Allah, Prophet Muhammad PBUH never once boasted about himself. In fact, his entire life was dedicated to preaching and conveying the teachings of Allah SWT. His gentle, loving, and gentle preaching was loved by the weak who needed support and protection.

Yuk Ketahui Keistimewaan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang Menakjubkan Berikut Ini!

Let's Find Out the Amazing Specialties of Prophet Muhammad SAW Below!

1. Medicine from the Saliva of Prophet Muhammad

The extraordinary thing about Prophet Muhammad SAW is that his saliva can become a medicine. A narration from Sahl bin Saad said, 'When Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions were about to wage war in Khaibar, Prophet Muhammad SAW said that he would give the flag to a man who is loved by Allah and His Messenger, and in return, Allah will grant victory.'


"Rasulullah SAW also sought Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Thalib, but the companions said that Ali was suffering from an eye ailment. Rasulullah ordered the companions to bring Ali to him. Then something amazing happened to the companions who witnessed it: 'Rasulullah spat on both of his eyes and prayed for him, and immediately his eye ailment was healed as if there were no traces of illness before.' (HR. Muslim)"

A companion, Thalq bin 'Ali, admitted to being bitten by a scorpion on his foot, then the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spat on his foot and wiped it. Instantly, the pain disappeared and the bleeding stopped. Thalq bin Ali said, "I was bitten by a scorpion when I was near Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), then he spat on my foot and wiped it." (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Hibban)

10 Amazing Specialties of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Unlike Ordinary Humans but Still Humble

2. Blessings from His Hair PBUH

The blessed hair of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a remarkable privilege that brings blessings to humanity. Khalid bin Walid, the companion, never lost in the battlefield. He always achieved victory and made the enemy lose their courage. Apparently, one of the victories he achieved was due to the blessings of the hair of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that he always carried during the war. In fact, he also used the hair of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as medicine for the sick.

3. His sweat becomes fragrant oil.

The next special thing about Prophet Muhammad SAW is that his sweat is very fragrant and can be used as perfume. Ana bin Malik narrated, "Prophet SAW entered our house and he took a nap in our place. While sleeping, the Prophet sweated, then my mother came with a bottle, and the sweat of Prophet Muhammad SAW was collected in that bottle. When the Prophet woke up from his sleep, he asked my mother, 'O Ummu Sulaim, what are you doing?' Ummu Sulaim said, 'This is your sweat, O Messenger of Allah, I made it into perfume. And this is the most fragrant perfume.'" (HR. Muslim)

4. His Body Has No Shadow

4. His Body Has No Shadow

In the book Mafahim Yajib an Tushahah, Sayyid Muhammad bin 'Alawi al Maliki mentioned one of the special qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is that he does not have a shadow. This is because the Prophet (PBUH) is light, and light does not have a shadow. Even under the sunlight, he still does not have a shadow.

Imam Muslim narrated a hadith that explains the prayer of the Prophet during his prostration.
"Ya Allah, make light in my heart, light in my hearing, light in my sight, light on my right side, light on my left side, light in front of me, light behind me, light above me, light below me, and make light for me." In another narration, it is explained, "Make me light."

(Hadith narrated by Muslim)


5. Never Yawned Throughout His Life

Tidak pernah menguap adalah keistimewaan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang lain. Imam Suyuthi dalam Kitab Al Khashaish Al Kubra disebutkan riwayat tentang Nabi SAW tentang hal ini. Ditakhrij oleh Imam Bukhari dalam kitabnya At Tarikh dan juga Ibnu Abi Syaibah dalam mushannafnya dan dari Ibnu Sa’ad dari Yazid bin Al Asham, belia berkata, “bahwa Nabi SAW tidak pernah menguap sama sekali sepanjang hidupnya.”


6. The Heart that Never Sleeps

6. The Heart that Never Sleeps

The Prophet SAW was once asked about his habit of sleeping after performing the Witr prayer. "O Messenger of Allah, do you sleep after performing the Witr prayer?" asked Sayyidah Aisyah RA. He replied, "Yes, Aisyah. Indeed, my eyes sleep, but my heart never sleeps." (HR. Malik)

7. His robe PBUH Heals the Sick

Asma' bintu Abi Bakar RA sought blessings with the Prophet's robe. Abdullah bin Kaisan said, "I was shown a Thayalisah robe from Kisra, with a collar made of dibaj fabric, and both sides were stitched with dibaj. Asma' said to her servant, "O Abdullah, this robe used to belong to Aisyah until she passed away. After Aisyah's death, I took it. The Prophet Muhammad SAW used to often wear this robe. We used to wash this robe with water to heal the sick." (HR. Muslim)

8. Blood Cupping of the Prophet SAW Consumed by Companions

In the book al-Mustadrak, it is narrated that the Companion Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) came to the Prophet while he (SAW) was getting cupping done. After the Prophet finished, he gave the cupped blood to Abdullah and said, "Go and hide (this blood) from people." So I went and drank the blood. After that, I approached the Prophet again. Then the Prophet asked, "What did you do?" Abdullah answered, "I have hidden the blood in a place where it cannot be seen by people." The Prophet said again, "Perhaps you have drunk it?" He replied, "Yes, I have drunk it, O Messenger of Allah."


9. Never Wet Dreams

9. Never Wet Dreams

Ihtilam is the release of semen due to wet dreams in males. It turns out that Prophet Muhammad PBUH never experienced wet dreams. In the Book of Hadith Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir, Imam at-Thabrani narrated a story from Ibn 'Abbas: "Indeed, the Prophet PBUH never had ihtilam." (HR. Thabrani)

10. Seeing and Hearing what is Unseen and Unheard by Ordinary Humans

From the friend Abu Dzar, the Prophet PBUH said: "Indeed, I see what you do not see, and I hear what you do not hear, which is the creaking of the sky. And it is indeed fitting for the sky to make a creaking sound because at every distance of 4 fingers in the sky, there is an Angel who places his forehead to prostrate to Allah. By Allah, if you knew what I know, you would laugh a little and cry a lot." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

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