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4 Tips Gampang Menulis Ala Marchella FP: Mulai Dulu Aja<br>

"4 Easy Writing Tips Ala Marchella FP: Just Start"

4 Easy Writing Tips ala Marchella FP: Just Start

Dream - Marchella FP is a renowned writer of the homeland who has produced many extraordinary written works that have been turned into films. According to Marchella, her success as a writer is because she enjoys every writing process.

"Writing is fun, I am happy because writing is learning to translate feelings. Writing also helps me to know myself,"

"Marchella revealed at the Media Briefing event, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta on Wednesday, October 11, 2023."

“Menulis itu menyenangkan, aku happy karena menulis itu belajar menerjemahkan perasaan. Menulis juga membantu aku mengenal diri sendiri,”<br>

"However, Cecel, a woman who is familiarly called Cecel, often struggles with writing. However, Marcella has her own way of overcoming writing difficulties. She has several ways to write easily. Here are some easy writing tips ala Marchella FP."

4 Easy Writing Tips ala Marchella FP: Just Start

1. Just Start

Someone who wants to become a writer is often confused about how to start. Marchella suggests starting without thinking about anything. Starting first can help get used to writing and find one's own writing style.


"The way to start is just to find new forms and be able to know our writing style or other people's, so let's just start,"

ungkap penulis Nanti Kita Cerita tentang Hari Ini dan Generasi 90an. Translation: the author reveals Nanti Kita Cerita about Hari Ini and Generasi 90an.

2. Find Ideas Through Traveling or Watching Movies

In writing, surely there are difficulties in finding ideas. This is also experienced by Marchella as a writer. In searching for ideas, Marchella chooses to travel, watch movies, read books, or listen to music.


"Usually I force myself to go out all day until I come up with ideas. I also search through other mediums like watching movies, reading books, listening to songs, or looking at other creative mediums,"

kata Marchella.

3. Dividing Time to be More Focused

One of the difficulties in writing is losing concentration. In writing, Marchella also often lacks focus because she is distracted by other activities. However, Marchella has a way to overcome this. The 33-year-old woman divides her time so that the work she does can be more optimal.


"The way to do it is I usually give myself time, for example, a whole day to focus on finishing something, or per hour I allocate time to finish this thing,"

ucap Marchella.

“Caranya adalah aku biasanya kasih waktu misalnya seharian ini fokus nyelesain sesuatu atau per jam aku bagi waktu untuk nyelesain hal ini,”

4. Use Advanced Devices and Technology

According to Marchella, technology is very important to facilitate the writing process. The sophistication of technology can make writing work easier. "Technology should be good because it can add references, help with research, find value, and make it easier for us to focus on writing the main idea," said Marchella.

4 Easy Writing Tips ala Marchella FP: Just Start

To that end, Marchella uses advanced technology devices such as a laptop to help her write easily. The laptop chosen by Marchella for writing is the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Carbon because it is easy to carry anywhere and helps her jot down ideas wherever she is.

"Because it is lightweight, this laptop is easy to carry everywhere, making it easier for me to jot down any inspirations that arise at any time,"
word Marchella.


Apart from laptops, Marchella also utilizes AI to help her write and depict places she has never visited before. "There are many places and things that we cannot experience directly and need to be illustrated. GPT chat helps describe the taste or experience that we haven't been able to try," explained Marchella.

4 Easy Writing Tips ala Marchella FP: Just Start
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