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"50 Words from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspire"

Boy Candra's words resonate deeply because they feel relatable to life.

"Dream - The words of Boy Candra have a deep meaning, especially about romantic matters. Yes, Boy Candra is known as a writer, both in blogs and in the works of a book. His debut novel was born in 2013 with the title 'Origami Hati' after previously facing rejection from publishers. Boy Candra's works are quite popular, especially among the younger generation. Moreover, with Boy Candra's words being very touching to the heart because they feel relatable to life."

"Besides that, Boy Candra often writes wise words on social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. Well, here are Boy Candra's words that are rich in meaning, as summarized by Dream through various sources."

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring
The translation of

The translation of "Kata-Kata Boy Candra yang Sarat Makna" to English is "Words of Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning".

"Stay strong, okay. Not everything will always go smoothly. There will be things that make us feel sad, angry, or disagree.""

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English', while preserving the HTML tags: "

Problems will come and go. Slowly, solve them one by one. If you're tired, take a break first. Not everything has to be finished today. Some things may indeed be destined to be done tomorrow.

The more I love myself, the more enthusiastic I am about work. I don't want to see myself without money. I don't want to see myself without food.

Friendship without honesty won't last long. The same goes for business and other matters, even if their value is small.


"I told myself, be patient for now. Stay strong, keep holding on, face it. Go through all of this sincerely. Everything that is meant to be ours will surely be sent to us. God has unexpected ways. Don't be afraid. Wait for the time, those good days will come."

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

"Kamu tidak sempurna. Salah dan gagal itu biasa saja. Jangan terlalu keras sama diri sendiri. Beri ruang untuk pulih sebelum bertarung lagi." "Tahun terus berganti, usia terus bertambah. Kau sudah selayaknya semakin bertumbuh. Pekerjaan yang lebih baik, hubungan yang semakin jelas arahnya. Jangan hanya menjadi pengisi kesepian seseorang. Dia yang tak berani mengambil jalan lebih tegas untuk masa depan."

"No matter how good and close your friendship is, when the time comes to part ways, you must take that path. As comfortable and expansive as your feelings are at work, when the time comes to move on, the journey must continue. Prepare your provisions, keep learning.""

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring


There was once something that felt very heavy, but it turned out to be something we could get through. There was once something that felt completely shattered and seemed like there would be no way out, yet everything was still okay. We just need to endure and keep going through it. It might be that the bad things are just in our minds.

The medicine can be bitter or sweet. However, its essence is to heal. The same goes for the people around us. Some come sweetly, while others come bitterly. Yet, the essence is that they help us grow.


"A thousand good things are lost just because of one disappointment. That is the proof of how selfish humans are. They only focus on the disappointment they experienced once, even though they have had a thousand kindnesses from someone.""

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

```html "Not everything can be possessed, take care of what you already have. Not everything can be accepted, maintain what you already have." "Get used to saying thank you to those who help you. So that your heart doesn't become hard and prideful draws near to you." "We will seek the best path. Solve problems and find solutions. That's why you must remain calm when angry." "We know our limits, we are just stubborn. We are hard and obstinate, now it's too late and regretful." ```

"Mourn as you should, savor the feeling of failure that comes, the disappointment that torments. Until everything spills out, it's time to redefine your direction. Whisper to yourself, it's all enough and let it be a thing of the past.""

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

```html "Sabar itu seluas lautan. Hanya saja, kadang manusia bisa lelah berenang dan tenggelam." "Kita akan selalu menemukan diri kita di tempat-tempat yang kita cintai, bersama orang-orang yang kita cintai." "Di dunia ini kita akan ditemukan dengan orang-orang yang membuat kita bahagia, juga sebaliknya. Namun satu yang pasti, mereka dikirim kepada kita selalu dengan satu alasan, agar kita belajar." "Kita akan melalui banyak hal yang mungkin saja tak semudah yang kita bayangkan. Akan ada banyak ujian yang harus kita selesaikan." ``` Translation: "Patience is as vast as the ocean. However, sometimes humans can get tired of swimming and drown." "We will always find ourselves in places we love, with the people we love." "In this world, we will meet people who make us happy, and vice versa. But one thing is certain, they are sent to us always for one reason, so that we learn." "We will go through many things that may not be as easy as we imagine. There will be many tests that we must complete."

"It seems true. Some things don't need to be searched for. Not knowing might be better."

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

Sure! Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English', while preserving any HTML tags: ```html "Kita sering sadar bukan saat sesuatu itu hilang, tapi saat ia dibutuhkan dan menyadari ia sudah tak ada." "Tak sepakat, tak apa-apa. Asal jangan memaksa. Tak sewarna, tak apa-apa, asal tetap saling menghargai." "Kalau perjuangan gitu-gitu aja, hasilnya ya gini-gini aja." "Tetap kendalikan yang menggebu. Agar masih jernih pikiran itu. Tetap rawat yang membuat rindu. Agar tidak tertinggal sebatas masa lalu." "Setiap kali kamu ingin mundur. Ingat lagi, ada orang yang pengin banget melihat kamu berhasil." ``` Translated text: ```html "We often realize not when something is lost, but when it is needed and we realize it is no longer there." "Disagreeing is fine. As long as you don't force it. Being different is okay, as long as we continue to respect each other." "If the struggle is always the same, the results will also be the same." "Keep controlling your enthusiasm. So that your thoughts remain clear. Continue to nurture what makes you miss. So that you are not left behind as just a memory." "Every time you want to give up. Remember, there are people who really want to see you succeed." ```

"A good friend might get angry if you should have succeeded but you failed because of your laziness. A regular friend will get angry about your success.""

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

"The older I get, the more I want to be relaxed in my attitude, but hard-working. The less I care about drama, the more serious I become about the things I love. Because, the remaining years must be filled with things that leave a good impact on the world."There are times when you have to force yourself to leave people who only weaken you. They are reluctant to see you grow and evolve."Life is a choice. To act or not to act. There will always be those who don't like you.""

"I neglect the big things, then get fixated on the small sufferings that I always exaggerate."

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

"It's nice that you can just work from home and earn money," said an office employee with a stable salary. "Not bad." replied an online trader who was worried about this month's revenue that still hadn't appeared. Everyone has their own work complaints. "Maybe my sadness is just the tip of someone else's sadness. I should just enjoy it until everything calms down. Not complain as if I'm the one suffering the most." "Maybe I'm feeling too much lack that all the pleasures I get I keep throwing away.""

"The older I get, the more I think, 'Is this important?' before finally saying, 'Oh well, it's not important either.' Then life goes on with a better feeling. Not everything needs to be meddled with.""

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

"What is felt in the heart should be expressed boldly. So that the feelings that grow can be nurtured together, not just kept to oneself." "Perhaps it is not necessary to be too ambitious, but one must remain diligent in fighting for what is desired. Perhaps it is not necessary to compete with others, but it is still necessary to overcome oneself from yesterday." "There are times when it is indeed better to be silent than to argue. Better to distance oneself than to become enemies. Save yourself from people who do not give you space to speak.""

"If there is no happiness that can become real, let me distance myself from everything that is rooted in pain.""

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

"Don't hide your inability and jealousy by judging the strengths achieved and possessed by others. Improve your mindset and way of thinking. Learn to be skilled, not to be petty. "What often kills the potential within you are the people closest to you. If you believe in your potential, don't pay too much attention to those around you when they try to undermine what you are striving for to grow."Staring into your father's eyes. Staring into your mother's eyes. Is a price that cannot be replaced by anything for many people.""

"There is a time to be lazy, but don't forget the time to work. There is a time to have fun, but don't forget the time to make money. Living for fun and enjoyment is up to you, as long as it doesn't become a burden for others."

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring


"Don't be too sad. The failure you are experiencing today, which you think is the biggest in the world, could be the same failure that many people have gone through. But they persevered and tried to get through it. You should also be able to get through all of this well. Just take it step by step."

"Don't focus too much on your significant shortcomings that make you increasingly insecure. Instead, learn to improve and focus on your small strengths, until one day those small strengths finally cover up your significant shortcomings."


"He started learning while you were still playing around. He started working while you were enjoying your leisure. Then when he succeeded, you said it was solely because he was lucky."

50 Quotes from Boy Candra that are Full of Meaning and Inspiring

"The heavy year must be faced with a strong spirit. The long road must be traveled with a warrior's mentality. Keep your ambition, strengthen your heart. What cannot be obtained today is still possible to chase tomorrow. Do not wilt quickly and be in vain. Maybe what makes us hate others, whom we may not even know, is only what we know from the media. We only hear from people. It is precisely because there may be many unresolved issues within ourselves. Many wounds that are buried and never healed."

"Some events in this world are merely repetitions. Things that we think are very difficult have actually been experienced by many people before. We just need to endure and learn to unravel them. Everything that comes to us is, in essence, what we believe we can handle.""

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