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60 Kata-Kata Bijak Kehidupan Singkat dari Pepatah China, Jadikan Prinsip yang Bikin Kuat dengan Berbagai Kondisi

"60 Wise Short Life Quotes from Chinese Proverbs, Make them Principles that Strengthen in Various Conditions"

Dream - Chinese culture has developed for thousands of years, including the field of literature. So it's no wonder that many lessons can be drawn from the Land of the Bamboo Curtain. One of the famous ones is Chinese proverbs. Currently, there are many Chinese proverbs that can be used as motivation to ignite the spirit. These short wise words are full of meaning and advice that may feel harsh, but that's their way of boosting their abilities within themselves. Therefore, whether you like it or not, you will strive for it until the bitter end. You will not stop and give up until that dream is truly realized. Yes, even if you have to fall and rise again many times.

Wise words of life can also be part of your life principles. This will make you stronger in various conditions. Here are wise words of life as summarized by Dream through various sources.

60 Wise Short Life Quotes from Chinese Proverbs, Make Principles that Make You Strong in Various Conditions
Kata-Kata Bijak Kehidupan Singkat yang Penuh Motivasi

"Wise Short Life Quotes Full of Motivation"

"All will be realized if it is destined to be yours. If not, do not force it."


"Relying on oneself is better than relying on others."

"Even in a clear sky, a storm can suddenly occur, just like the fate of humans, it can change without being predicted."

"Those who do good will be rewarded, those who do evil will be punished. If you haven't felt it yet, it means the time hasn't come."

"If someone has a strong desire, they will always find a solution."

"Humans act, God witnesses."


"A person cannot be judged by their appearance, the sea cannot be measured with a bucket." "Anyone who becomes my teacher even for a day, will become a friend forever." "Listen to both sides, you will be enlightened. Listen to only one side, you will be in darkness." "A year's work depends on planning in the spring. A day's work depends on planning in the morning." "Helping others brings happiness." "Do not disregard small virtues as meaningless and not do them."

"If you haven't learned to crawl, don't try to learn to walk." "A good heart will receive good rewards." "Laughing more will make you look 10 years younger. If you worry a lot, your hair will turn white quickly." "When the heart is happy, the body will be healthy." "Ambitious people will always find a way to achieve their goals." "The more diligently you work on something, the better the results will be." "Don't be too happy about your successes and don't be too sad about your failures." "Don't forget the past because it can guide us in the future."

"The journey of thousands of kilometers always begins with the first step." - Lao Tzu

60 Wise Short Life Quotes from Chinese Proverbs, Make Principles that Make You Strong in Various Conditions

"When wealthy, remember the times when you were poor. Conversely, when poor, do not remember the times when you were wealthy." "Being able to achieve something also means being able to let it go." "Those who are not ashamed to ask when they should ask will look foolish for only five minutes. But those who are ashamed to ask will be foolish forever." "Water can penetrate rocks and mountains, no matter how hard. This shows that gentleness can overcome violence." - Lao Tzu "You reap what you sow."

"A gem cannot be polished without friction. Similarly, a person cannot succeed without challenges." "One generation plants the trees and another enjoys their shade." "The education we provide to our children is more valuable than giving them 1000 pieces of gold." "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

Kata-Kata Bijak Kehidupan Singkat yang Berisi Nasihat

"Wise Short Life Words Containing Advice"

"Not thinking about the past and the future, but enjoying each moment from one moment to another is true fortune." "

"A person who speaks ill of others is digging their own hole." "A person who seeks revenge must dig two graves." "Do difficult things while they are easy and do great things when they are small." "Give them a fish and they will eat for a day. Teach them how to catch fish and they will eat for a lifetime." "If they cannot accept you at your worst, then they do not deserve you at your best." "One problem, various ways to solve it."

"If you see what you have in life, then you have everything." "Above the sky, there is still sky, above ourselves, there are still other people." "What we do not want others to do to us, we should not do to others." "Everything will feel difficult at the beginning of doing it." "Nothing is difficult as long as we have a strong determination and work hard." "Besides being diligent, being frugal also makes life sweeter and sweeter." "Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I will remember, involve me and I will learn." "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face."

"You are the same as you in twenty years, except for the books you read." "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner wherever they go." "External temptations make someone forget their principles, while greed makes people foolish. One must always be vigilant to maintain their purity." "To understand the love of your parents, you must raise your own children." "Live until old age, learn until old age." "When someone's virtue increases by 1 level, Satan's temptation increases by 10 levels."

"Making others comfortable will also make oneself comfortable."

60 Wise Short Life Quotes from Chinese Proverbs, Make Principles that Make You Strong in Various Conditions

"If you do not honor your parents, it is useless to worship God." "Instead of just sitting by the river and hoping for fish, it is better to go home and make a net." "A couple who loves each other can understand each other without speaking." "Think three times before taking action." "Do not ignore opportunities, time will not come again." "With honesty, we can go anywhere; without honesty, we cannot take a single step." "Deceiving others is a disaster, forgiving others is happiness." "Love others as you love yourself."

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