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7 Hewan yang Identik dengan Kematian dari Berbagai Penjuru Dunia

"7 Animals that are Identical with Death from Various Corners of the World"

Throughout history, various animals have been associated with death. But why do certain creatures become synonymous with the end of life? From dragonflies to vultures, they are among the animals closely linked to death. Here is a summary of seven animals that have historically been associated with death in various cultures!

Source: Live Science

<b>1. Burung Rangkong</b>

1. Hornbill

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Brahminy kite (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is a carnivorous bird that hunts small animals and insects and is found in grasslands, savannas, and open forest areas."

In general, people consider the southern hornbill as a bad omen. In Zimbabwe and Malawi, some people believe that if a hornbill perches on the roof of a house, it will bring bad luck to the occupants. If hornbills are seen clustering in odd numbers, it is considered a sign of death.

2. Mouse

2. Mouse

Animals such as rats are known as carriers of many pathogens, some of which have the potential to be deadly. Rats were the cause of the Black Death in the 14th century, which was caused by the spread of the Yersinia pestis bacteria. Until now, people believed that rats were the nesting place for the fleas that carried these pathogens.

However, research in recent years has shown that rats are not the main disease vectors. Instead, humans, and fleas and body lice they carry, cause most of the spread of these diseases.

3. Owl

3. Owl

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Owls may be associated with death because most of them are active during the night. In many cultures, they are symbols of death and messengers sent by the gods from the underworld, according to the book "Owl" (Reaktion Press, 2009) by Desmond Morris."

For example, in Roman mythology, the sound of an owl is believed to be a sign of imminent death. Owls are believed to have predicted the deaths of several Roman emperors, as their deaths occurred after the sound of an owl.

<b>4. Capung</b>

4. Dragonfly

In Japan, the red dragonfly (Sympetrum frequens) emerges as an adult from low grass fields and migrates to high mountains to find food. Their abundance increases in early autumn when they descend from the mountains to breeding grounds in lowlands.

This time coincides with the Obon summer festival, which celebrates the return of the spirits of the deceased visiting their loved ones. The large red dragonfly is regarded as the messenger of these spirits, according to a 1959 ethnographic study.

5. Bird Hering

5. Bird Hering

Birds of prey use their extraordinary sense of smell to detect carcasses from more than one mile away. And their favorite activity is to fly around the carcass and take meat from it.

In ancient Egypt, herons were regarded as symbols of purity in the circle of life and death. Ancient Egyptians may have believed that all herons were female and born spontaneously from eggs. This led to herons being worn as head ornaments by the wives of pharaohs and female pharaohs for protection.

6. Gagak translates to

6. Gagak translates to "6. Crow" in English.

Gagak Bangkai (Corvus corone) is a very intelligent bird that eats anything from berries to rotting animal flesh.

In Irish folklore, Badb is one of the trio of war goddesses who takes the form of a crow. According to a 19th-century article published in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, this folklore states that she could be a sign of bloodshed, thus instilling fear in warriors on the battlefield.

<b>7. Kelelawar</b>

7. Bat

"In several cultures, bats have long been associated with death. For example, the Māori community in New Zealand associates bats with hokioi, a nocturnal bird myth said to predict death."

According to The Raupo Book of Maori Proverbs, the common saying goes "bats fly at dusk, hokioi flies at night". Legend says that the bird has never been seen, only heard at night through its screeching in the darkness. It is possible that hokioi is actually an extinct bird known as the Haast eagle (Hieraaetus moorei), a large predatory bird capable of carrying small children.

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