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7 Benefits of Forgiveness Attitude and Religious Command to Forgive Each Other

7 Benefits of Forgiveness Attitude and Religious Command to Forgive Each Other

7 Manfaat dari Sikap Pemaaf dan Perintah Agama untuk Saling Memaafkan terhadap Sesama

Dream - Humans often make mistakes that unconsciously hurt the feelings of others. That's why we must have a forgiving attitude. In certain situations, a forgiving attitude can sometimes feel burdensome, especially when someone makes a fatal mistake towards us.

Sometimes when others do wrong, there is a hidden desire in our hearts to seek revenge. However, the nature of revenge will only destroy us from within. On the other hand, forgiving others who have done wrong will bring benefits to us, one of which is peace and tranquility of the heart. The benefits of a forgiving attitude will also distance us from feelings of envy, jealousy, and hostility towards others. As religious individuals, it is only fitting for us to forgive each other for a peaceful and calm future. So what are the benefits of a forgiving attitude? Let's directly refer to the following explanation as summarized by Dream from various sources.

"The Command of Religion to Forgive Each Other"

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The forgiving attitude is the attitude of forgiving others, no matter how big or small their mistakes are. The correct forgiving attitude should be accompanied by sincerity without feelings of hatred and desire for revenge. Every religion surely teaches to forgive each other, especially in Islam. As Muslims, the benefit of a forgiving attitude is not only to calm the heart and soul, but also to bring rewards and honor in the eyes of Allah SWT."

"God Almighty said:"

"Then, by the grace of Allah, you (Muhammad) acted gently towards them. If you had been harsh and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult with them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon Him." (QS. Surat Ali Imran verse 158)

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Benefits of Forgiveness Attitude".

The benefits of forgiveness are actually very numerous. However, this seemingly simple word is apparently very difficult to do. Forgiveness requires a big heart for the person who has been hurt. It takes intention and a strong heart to start forgiving other people's mistakes. If Sahabat Dream succeeds in doing so, then they will receive the benefits of that forgiving attitude. Here are the benefits of forgiveness that you will receive in return:


1. Live More Calm and Peaceful

The benefits of a forgiving attitude will make our lives more peaceful and calm. Forgiving others' mistakes with a sincere heart will bring a sense of relief as if we have released a burden that weighs us down. Life's peace will be greatly felt when we forgive each other. When encountering someone who has wronged you, you do not hold any hatred towards them, resulting in many people liking your presence.

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the html tags: "The feeling of hatred and the desire for revenge will only drain your mind, which can be exhausting for the heart. This will only add burden to your life. Therefore, forgiving each other is one way to achieve happiness in life."

7 Manfaat dari Sikap Pemaaf dan Perintah Agama untuk Saling Memaafkan terhadap Sesama

2. Liked by Many People

Having a forgiving attitude will make you liked by many people. They enjoy being friends with you because you have admirable qualities. Because in daily activities, it is not impossible for someone to make unintentional mistakes. If you are willing to forgive them willingly, then others will assume that you have a forgiving attitude. This attitude is what makes it easier for you to build relationships and friendships with many people.


3. Focus on Positive Things

The benefits of a forgiving attitude will make you more focused on positive things. One key to happiness in the world is to focus on positive things. On the other hand, you should set aside negative things that can burden your mind. By having a forgiving attitude, you will learn many new things and make you grow. Over time, you will become more mature in facing life's problems.

7 Manfaat dari Sikap Pemaaf dan Perintah Agama untuk Saling Memaafkan terhadap Sesama

"Thinking too much about other people's mistakes and finding it difficult to forgive will only make you focus on negative thoughts. Therefore, it would be better for you to forgive other people's mistakes and focus on good things in your future life."

4. Growing Up to Face Challenges

The problems in life always come one after another. Various problems can drain your energy and mind. Not to mention the problems caused by people who make mistakes towards you. That's why you need to prepare yourself to be a forgiving person. That way, no matter how severe other people's mistakes are, you will always forgive them. This will make you more mature in facing life's problems. Instead of thinking about revenge and doing harm to others, isn't it better to forgive each other and focus on starting a relationship with a peaceful feeling?

5. Avoiding Stress

Revenge will only add to the burden of the mind and often even make someone stressed to the point of depression. However, if you choose to forgive, then you have taken a good step to reduce the burden of your mind. Of course, this will keep you away from stress disturbances. Therefore, start getting used to having a forgiving attitude as taught in religion. Believe that retaliating against someone's wrongdoing will only waste your energy and time. It is better to focus on improving yourself so that your life becomes more beneficial to others.

6. Improve Quality of Life

Having a forgiving attitude can improve the overall quality of life. One can live happier and view life more optimistically. The quality of someone's life is partly determined by their mental health. Forgiving individuals have better mental health because they are not burdened by grudges or heartaches. This can reduce the risk of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.


7. Recovery from Trauma

People who have a forgiving attitude tend to be more capable of recovering from traumatic experiences. By forgiving, someone can release the emotional burden associated with that traumatic experience. The act of forgiveness, although not always easy to do, can have a significant impact on a person's overall well-being.

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