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7 Alasan Mengapa Daerah Ini Jadi Kota Mati Paling Menyeramkan di Dunia

7 Reasons Why This Area Becomes the Most Terrifying Ghost Town in the World

Portlock, Alaska, is a census-designated city at the southern tip of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. At one time, this city was bustling with activity from active canning factories. The majority of goods produced in Portlock consisted of canned salmon, and the city's residents lived peacefully near the water. However, now the city is abandoned, and you won't believe why!

1. Sudden Change

At one time, Portlock was a popular city with a role in the Alaska canning industry. This area is famous for salmon. The name of this city was taken from Nathaniel Portlock, an English ship captain who anchored in the city in 1786. For several decades following, the city's residents produced canned goods and lived peacefully. In fact, a post office was established in this city in 1921, proving that the area was inhabited.

The translation of the text "Penduduk Portlock Pergi" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Portlock Residents Go"

However, in the 1940s and 1950s, the residents of Portlock quickly packed their belongings and left the city. This area is beautiful and abundant with fish, so the sudden departure from Portlock doesn't make sense. Unless... there is a mystery happening!


2. Riot in the City

It is reported that the residents of Portlock left this beautiful town in the mid-1900s due to unrest in the surrounding village. Unexplained murders began to occur. It was reported that a man was found dead from an axe. It is incomprehensible how or why someone would kill someone in such a way, and the town became anxious about the unknown.

3. Mysterious creature spotted

One day, a group of men were hunting in the forest when they saw large unexplainable footprints on the ground. Remember that these people grew up in the forest and were very familiar with identifying animals around the town. But these footprints were so big and so unrecognizable that a story began to form: there is a creature living in this forest.

As time goes by, footprints become more common, along with other unexplained murders and activities.

7 Reasons Why This Area Becomes the Most Haunted Dead City in the World

Alutiiq started calling the unknown creature "nantiinaq," which means half human, half animal. Shortly after the creature was first noticed, the residents began witnessing the creature with their own eyes! Nantiinaq sightings became more frequent, and with each sighting, a sense of dissatisfaction grew within the community. Families became increasingly fearful with each passing day.

4. Body Recovery

After the appearance of nantiinaq begins, more unexplained activities occur. For example, bodies are found in the nearby lagoon with unidentifiable marks. Once again, remember that the residents of Portlock live off the land and are very familiar with the animals that inhabit the area. These signs can only be explained by a creature larger than life: nantiinaq.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

Frekuensi penampakan nantiinaq, bersama dengan cedera-cedera yang tidak dapat dijelaskan, mendorong penduduk untuk meninggalkan kota pada tahun 1950-an. Kantor pos ditutup pada tahun 1951, dan kota menjadi sepenuhnya ditinggalkan.
Translated text:
The frequency of sightings of nantiinaq, along with unexplained injuries, prompted the residents to leave the town in the 1950s. The post office was closed in 1951, and the town was completely abandoned.

7 Reasons Why This Area Becomes the Most Haunted Dead City in the World

5. Believe in the Local Residents

The society in the surrounding cities believes that the story about Portlock is true. They do not visit the city because of its haunted history! Therefore, this city remains a completely neglected area.


6. Reporting Strange Census

What is interesting, Portlock participated in the census in 1940 and 1980. The census reported that Portlock had exactly 31 residents in 1940 and 1980. In 1990, this city lost its designated status in the census and was no longer reported.


7. Visitors in the 1970s

Supposedly, there was a storm in that area in the 1970s, and a fisherman stopped by Portlock to seek shelter. While taking shelter, he reported seeing a terrifying creature walking through the campground. They immediately left after the incident. The description of the creature closely matches the previous sightings of nantiinaq.

Can you visit Portlock now?

"Although there have been some efforts to revive Portlock as a designated place by the census, this city is still very difficult to access due to its remote location. There are several towns nearby, including Seldovia, Chrome, and Port Chatham. It is not easy to reach Portlock and even if you can, would you want to?"

"How do you feel about the mysterious story of Bigfoot in Alaska?"

7 Reasons Why This Area Becomes the Most Haunted Dead City in the World

Source: A-Z Animals

However, there are many interesting places in Alaska that are not haunted.

"If you are planning to visit the northernmost state in the US, make sure to explore Juneau, Kodiak, and the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center!"

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