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Apakah Hewan Bisa Berkeringat Seperti Manusia?

"Can Animals Sweat Like Humans?"

After doing physical activities or feeling hot, humans will sweat as a natural response of the body. This sweat is a bodily fluid that contains water, salt, and fat. When the temperature rises, humans respond by reducing body temperature through the mechanism of sweating. The process of sweating is characterized by the warming of the skin. So, if animals are similar to humans who often move and are exposed to heat, can animals sweat like humans? Let's discuss further!

Menurut berita yang diterbitkan di situs Long Acres Ranch, hanya mamalia yang memiliki kelenjar keringat yang mengalami proses pengeluaran keringat seperti manusia.<br>

According to the news published on the Long Acres Ranch website, only mammals that have sweat glands undergo a sweating process like humans.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Examples include horses, monkeys, apes, and hippos that sweat like humans."

"Although dogs and cats are classified as mammals, they do not have many sweat glands."

Apakah Hewan Bisa Berkeringat Seperti Manusia?

"How Animals Regulate Their Body Temperature."

Another way animals use to cool themselves is by panting. When animals pant, they evaporate water from the inner body structure, release hot air, and bring in cool air. Examples of animals that use this method include dogs, cats, and pigs.

In addition, walking back and forth between areas exposed to sunlight and shaded areas has become a common strategy used by many animals. This occurs when animals do not have their own body temperature regulation mechanism and need to rely on cooler areas to lower their internal body temperature.

Certain animals with large ears use the size of their ears as a way to regulate body temperature. Elephants use the movement of flapping their ears like fans as a way to cool down their body temperature. On the other hand, rabbits will dilate the blood vessels in their ears as a strategy to regulate body temperature.

Apakah Hewan Bisa Berkeringat Seperti Manusia?
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