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Jangan Langsung Tidur, Inilah 4 Amalan yang Dianjurkan setelah Sholat Tarawih, Lengkap dengan Doa Kamilin setelah Tarawih

"Do not Sleep Immediately, Here are 4 Recommended Practices after Tarawih Prayer, Complete with Kamilin Prayer after Tarawih."

Dream - Tarawih prayer is a voluntary prayer that is only performed during the month of Ramadan. This prayer is performed at night, either in congregation or individually. Some Muslims perform tarawih prayer for 11 cycles with witr, while others perform it for 23 cycles with witr. After the prayer is finished, it is usually followed by reciting the kamilin prayer after tarawih. When tarawih prayer is over, what do friends of Dream usually do? It would be better if they don't immediately go to sleep.

However, performing several recommended practices in Islam. Here are some recommended practices after tarawih prayer as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Don't Go to Sleep Right Away, Here are 4 Recommended Practices after Tarawih Prayer, Complete with Kamilin Prayer after Tarawih
Keutamaan Sholat Tarawih

"The Virtues of Tarawih Prayer"

Performing tarawih prayer has several virtues that later can be obtained by Dream friends. What are those virtues?

1. Forgiven for their past sins

The first virtue of performing tarawih prayer is that one's past sins are forgiven. Yes, this is because the month of Ramadan is a sacred month full of blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT. As the Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever establishes prayer in the month of Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, will have their past sins forgiven." (Narrated by Bukhari)

2. Get the Full Reward of Last Night's Prayer if Praying Tarawih in Congregation

If friends Dream perform tarawih prayer in congregation, then they will receive the reward of a full night prayer. This has been mentioned in a hadith from Abu Dzar ra, he said: "We used to fast Ramadan with the Prophet saw, he did not lead us in the night prayer until seven days remained, then he led us until one-third of the night had passed."

When there were only six days left, he no longer led us in prayer. And when there were only five days left, he led us in prayer until midnight. Then, I said, "O Messenger of Allah, should we increase our prayers for the remaining nights?" The Prophet saw said, "Indeed, when a man prays with the imam until the end, he will be rewarded as if he had prayed the whole night."

3. Obtaining Rewards like the People of Shiddiqin and Syuhada

The next virtue of tarawih prayer is to receive rewards like the righteous and the martyrs. They are the ones who receive the greatest blessings in heaven from Allah SWT. In a hadith narrated by Amr bin Murrah al-Jauhani, he tells the story of a man from the Bani Qudha'ah tribe who came to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and said, "

"Indeed, I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that you are the messenger of Allah. I perform the five daily prayers, observe fasting during Ramadan, perform the night prayer, and give zakat. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, 'Whoever dies upon this matter will be among the truthful and the martyrs.' (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah, Thabrani, and Al-Baihaqi)"

"Recommended Practices after Tarawih Prayer"

After performing the tarawih prayer, it is recommended for Dream's friends not to immediately go to sleep. Instead, there are several recommended deeds to be done as follows:

Amalan yang Dianjurkan setelah Sholat Tarawih

1. Reading the Al-Quran

The first practice after Tarawih is to read the Quran or recite the Quran. It is highly recommended to read the Quran extensively during the month of Ramadan. In fact, strive to complete it. Sahabat Dream can read the Quran together after performing Tarawih prayers at the mosque or read it individually.

2. Reading Doa Kamilin after Tarawih

Doa kamilin setelah tarawih juga usahakan jangan terlewatkan. Berikut adalah bacaannya: Allaahummaj'alnaa bil iimaani kaamiliin, wa lil faraa 'idimu'addiin, wa lis-salaati haafiziin, wa liz-zakaatii faa'iliin, wa limaa 'indaka taalibiin, wa li'afwika raajiin, wa bil hudaa mutamassikiin, wa 'anil lagwi mu'ridiin, wa fiddunyaa zaahidiin, wa fil aakhirati raagibiin, wa bil qadaa'i raadiin, wa lin-na 'maa'i syaakiriin, wa 'alal balaa'i saabiriin.

wa tahta liwaa'i sayyidinaa Muhammadin sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallama yaumal qiyaamati saa'iriin, wa ilal-haudi waaridiin, wa ilal jannati daakhiliin, wa minannaari naajin, wa 'alaa sariiril karaamati qaa'idiin wa min huurin 'iinim mutazaw-wijiin, wa min sundusiw wa istabraqiw wa diibaajim mutalabbisiin, wa min ta'aamil jannati aakiliin, wa mil labaniw wa 'asalim musaffan syaaribiin, bi akwaabiw wa abaariiqa wa ka'sim mim ma'iin. Under the banner of our master Muhammad, peace be upon him, on the Day of Resurrection, we will be among the successful ones. We will enter Paradise, escape the Hellfire, and sit on the throne of honor. We will enjoy the company of beautiful, pure-eyed maidens, dressed in silk and brocade, and adorned with bracelets. We will indulge in the delightful fruits of Paradise, drink pure milk and honey, cooled by cups and pitchers filled with water.

Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, make us a blessing for those who have perfect faith, those who perform obligatory deeds, those who maintain prayers, those who give zakat, those who seek rewards from You, those who seek Your forgiveness, those who hold firmly to guidance, those who turn away from futile actions, those who renounce worldly desires, those who seek rewards in the hereafter.'"

"people who are content with fate, people who are grateful for blessings, people who are patient in facing trials and tribulations, and people who walk under the banner of Prophet Muhammad SAW, in the hereafter, people who will be led to the lake to drink its water, people who enter paradise, people who are saved from hellfire, people who are seated on majestic thrones, people who marry fair-eyed maidens, people who wear garments of thin and thick silk, people who eat heavenly food."

and drink from the milk and honey, using glasses and cups and flasks (cups) directly from their sources. That is with the people whom You have bestowed favors upon from among the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous. They are the best companions, and this is a grace from Allah, and Allah is sufficient as the All-Knowing. O Allah, make us among the fortunate ones whose deeds are accepted in this noble and blessed month, and do not make us among the wretched ones whose deeds are rejected.

3. Berdzikir

Other practices after tarawih prayer are remembrance (dzikir). The remembrance that Dream friends can practice after reciting the kamilin prayer is reciting tasbih and it is even better to recite other prayers. Remembrance can also increase faith and bring rewards.

4. Giving Charity

The recommended practice after performing the tarawih prayer is to give charity. This charity does not have to be in a large amount of money. For example, giving charity in the mosque's donation box. Insha Allah, the money will be very beneficial for mosque construction or for those in need.

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