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Duar! Thrilling Moment Lightning Strikes Sound System Mixer Wedding Event

Duar! Thrilling Moment Lightning Strikes Sound System Mixer Wedding Event

Duar! Thrilling Moment Lightning Strikes Wedding Sound System Mixer

Dream - Walimatul Nikah or Walimatul Urs event in Cangkring Village, Jenggawah District, Jember Regency, East Java turned into a tense situation. Suddenly, lightning struck the sound system of the event, changing the happy atmosphere into a tense one.

Duar! Thrilling Moment Lightning Strikes Wedding Sound System Mixer

The surprising incident occurred on Friday, March 1, 2024, at around 16.00 WIB. A number of invited guests were shocked when a lightning struck the sound system and scattered in search of shelter.

Duar! Thrilling Moment Lightning Strikes Wedding Sound System Mixer


This incident started when a man in a white shirt was seen holding a microphone when lightning struck. The event took place during the recitation of prayers for the Wedding Ceremony. The lightning also struck the electric pole and the sound system. The joyful atmosphere of the wedding turned into a thrilling one with all the damages that occurred.


"Confirmation of Village Head"

When confirmed through a telephone connection, Saturday, the village head confirmed this surprising incident. There were no casualties in the incident, but the material losses caused were quite significant.

Duar! Thrilling Moment Lightning Strikes Wedding Sound System Mixer

"So when praying for the wedding ceremony, suddenly there was lightning striking the electric pole and also the sound system mixer at the event."

He said, "Head of Cangkringbaru Hamlet, Cangkring Village, Arif Arfianto quoted from Instagram"


"Comment from Netizens"

This post has been commented on by many netizens. "An unexpected disaster.. Alhamdulillah, there were no casualties," wrote the account @goldnecxlace. "The center of it went straight into the ground, that's my opinion," wrote the account @mustofa_0.

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