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Coalition Fact Check: Not All Presidential Candidate Statements in the Debate Are True According to Data

Coalition Fact Check: Not All Presidential Candidate Statements in the Debate Are True According to Data

Fact Check Coalition: Not All Candidates' Statements in Presidential Debate Are True According to Data

"Dream - Secretary General of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), Ika Ningtyas, revealed that the statements made by the presidential candidates in last night's first debate were not entirely in line with the context and data."

"There are statements given by these candidates that are true according to the data, but there are also misleading ones. This indicates a mismatch or inconsistency with the context."
"According to Ika in her statement, quoted on Wednesday, December 13, 2023."


This statement was expressed by Ika Ningtyas based on the results of 'live fact checking' conducted by the Fact Checking Coalition regarding the first presidential debate held at the General Election Commission (KPU) Office in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, evening. The Fact Checking Coalition consists of the Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI), the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI), the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (MAFINDO), and 19 media organizations that are part of the coalition.

Fact Check Coalition: Not All Candidates' Statements in Presidential Debate Are True According to Data

As known, the KPU held the first presidential debate for 2024 at the KPU Office, Central Jakarta. The first debate took place for 120 minutes with the themes of government, law, human rights, corruption eradication, democracy strengthening, public service improvement, and community harmony.

Debate followed by three presidential candidates participating in the 2024 Presidential Election, namely presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan, presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto, and presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo. Chairman of AMSI Wahyu Dhyatmika said that the debate among presidential candidates is important so that the public knows the positions, perspectives, or policies of the candidates related to national issues. However, what is equally important is the fact-checking process of the candidates' statements.

"The media team that is part of the fact-checking coalition wants to help ensure that no data is incorrect or misused by the candidates.""


The fact-checking efforts carried out by the fact-checking coalition members are part of an effort to assist the public in verifying the claims made by the candidates. In the live fact-checking of the first presidential debate, until 22:30 WIB, the coalition members successfully examined 41 claims made by the candidates and produced 54 articles, with this number expected to increase. The collaboration between AJI, AMSI, MAFINDO, and 19 media organizations conducting fact-checking during the presidential debate aims to help the public verify the accuracy of statements or claims made by the candidates.

Fact Check Coalition: Not All Candidates' Statements in Presidential Debate Are True According to Data

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Hopefully the public will not be trapped in hoaxes or baseless statements, which should be a productive culture in the era of democracy."

Fact Check Coalition: Not All Candidates' Statements in Presidential Debate Are True According to Data

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The presidential debate in the 2024 presidential election will take place five times. The second debate will be held on December 22 with the theme of economy, finance, investment, taxes, trade, management of state and regional budgets, infrastructure, and urban areas."

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