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Fakta-Fakta Bu Dokter KD di Makassar Selingkuh dengan Mahasiswa Saat Suami Pendidikan Perwira<br>

"Facts- Facts Dr. KD in Makassar Cheating on Student While Husband is an Officer in Education"

Fakta-Fakta Bu Dokter KD di Makassar Selingkuh dengan Mahasiswa Saat Suami Pendidikan Perwira

"Dream - The case of an affair between a doctor and a police officer's wife with a medical student with the initials AW in Makassar, South Sulawesi, is currently in the spotlight. The husband, with the initials Ipda AH (29), reported his own wife, KD, to the South Sulawesi Regional Police for alleged adultery and infidelity."

"Caught Being Delivered by Another Man"

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Commissioner Komang Suartana, said that initially, Police Inspector AH was undergoing officer training at PTIK. When he returned home, Inspector AH caught his wife being accompanied by another man. Inspector AH then checked KD's phone and was shocked to see a photo of his wife without clothes with another man.


"The victim (AH) found in the perpetrator's (victim's wife) cellphone a photo of the perpetrator (victim's wife) and the perpetrator (victim's wife) together without clothes in the rented room (victim's wife)."
According to Komang, as reported by, Wednesday, October 18, 2023.


Fakta-Fakta Bu Dokter KD di Makassar Selingkuh dengan Mahasiswa Saat Suami Pendidikan Perwira

Recently, Ipda AH also spoke out about the case. He confirmed that he had filed a report to the South Sulawesi Regional Police and that the South Sulawesi Regional Police itself is currently investigating the case. "Indeed, the initial suspicion (infidelity) is true, the news is true," said Ipda AH.



However, it has recently been discovered that there is an element of intimidation in the case. Ipda AH, who received information from the investigation, suspected that his wife was being intimidated by AW to do something inappropriate.

"I objectively believe that the woman is a victim and on the other hand, I am seen as the husband because it seems like the news yesterday only portrayed her in a negative light. However, the fact is that we are currently investigating the case with the South Sulawesi Police, and it turns out there are elements of coercion or pressure from the resident."


Fakta-Fakta Bu Dokter KD di Makassar Selingkuh dengan Mahasiswa Saat Suami Pendidikan Perwira

He revealed that a similar alleged case carried out by a doctor towards intern students had occurred a few months ago. It is suspected to have become a tradition among doctors undergoing advanced education at Hasanuddin University (Unhas).

"Because 8 months ago there was also (the same case) with a resident's child. This resident is the senior, while the child is the junior, at the same time these junior residents need guidance from the resident. Well, things like that are exploited, for example, they want to ask something to the resident but there are conditions given, like being taken for a walk."
"The brightness."



The translation of the text "Korban Tak Hanya Satu" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Victims are not only one."

Ipda AH explained that his wife is still in shock over the incident she experienced. Nevertheless, he ensured that she will report AW to the police in the near future. "I obtained this information from my wife's statement, there is a direction towards that, and it is possible that my wife will make a report. We are currently pursuing AW, there are elements of threats, coercion, and promises. If the promises are true, my wife was promised a good value," said Ipda AH.

He suspected that AW's victims are not only one. Furthermore, he added that the faculty intentionally covered up this incident.


"The victims of AW are not just one or two people. There are indications that the faculty is hiding and unwilling to take action. My wife is a victim, and as time goes by, it finally becomes clear, because this one person who underwent anesthesia is also a victim of the same system. In fact, they are friends who experienced a similar incident with AW 8 months ago, they know each other."
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Word to Mr. AH"


Fakta-Fakta Bu Dokter KD di Makassar Selingkuh dengan Mahasiswa Saat Suami Pendidikan Perwira

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unhas, Prof. Dr. Haerani Rasyid, refused to speak much about the incident. However, she emphasized that so far the faculty has never received any reports regarding allegations of rape, coercion, or promises as described by Ipda AH.

"Go directly to the public relations department. What is clear is that we at the faculty have never received any reports as described," said Haerani. Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Department of Unhas, Ahmad Bahar, admitted to handing over the case to the police. He stated that the university will only take action after the legal process is completed. "We will leave it to the authorities first. But of course, we have tried to take preventive measures, starting from forming a task force against sexual harassment," said Bahar."

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