"With the ASN PPPK status, teachers now have access to various facilities and allowances that were previously difficult to reach, thus ensuring a better life for them and their families."
"Dream - Teachers play a central role in shaping the quality of education in Indonesia. As one of the main pillars of education, they are not only tasked with teaching but also guiding and inspiring students to reach their fullest potential. Without support and improvement in the welfare and competencies of teachers, the grand vision of quality education in Indonesia is difficult to achieve."
"Therefore, the government continues to implement various strategic measures to ensure that teachers receive the recognition, welfare, and capacity building they need to face the challenges of education in the current era. One significant achievement is the appointment of more than 700 thousand honorary teachers as Civil Servants (ASN) through the Government Employee with Work Agreement (PPPK) scheme. This step not only provides career certainty for teachers, after years of no appointments since 2018, but it also significantly improves their welfare."
Based on data from the Directorate General of Teachers and Educational Personnel (GTK) as of August 2024, in the year 2020 when the ASN PPPK was first launched, there were more than 1.2 million non-ASN teachers. In the period from 2021 to 2023, a total of 774,999 ASN PPPK teachers have been appointed. This has resulted in an increase in the number of ASN teachers by 61 percent in the last three years. Currently, there are still 496,174 non-ASN teachers recorded in state schools under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Meanwhile, for the year 2024, the local government has proposed a total of 241,853 PPPK ASN formations, which is expected to help reduce the number of non-ASN teachers. “Teachers who love their profession must be prosperous first. Hopefully, all honorary teachers will soon become ASN,” said the Director General of GTK, Kemendikbudristek, Nunuk Suryani, in a written statement received by the Editorial Team of Dream.co.id on Monday, August 26, 2024.
The government's commitment does not stop there; the provision of professional allowances and incentive assistance for non-ASN teachers is also a top priority in efforts to improve teachers' welfare.
"Unlike the previous year when it was disbursed all at once for a year, the incentive assistance for non-ASN teachers in 2024 will be disbursed every semester."
The amount of the incentive given is Rp300 thousand per month for formal teachers and Rp200 thousand per month for non-formal teachers.
The translation of "Pengembangan Kompetensi" to English is "Competency Development".
"Besides improving welfare, the government is also focusing on developing teachers' competencies as part of efforts to create quality education. The Teacher Driving Program (PGP) has become one of the flagship initiatives in this regard, which is a program for continuous professional development through training and mentoring with a focus on learning leadership."
"Through this program, teachers are expected to mobilize learning communities in their areas to create learning that is oriented to the needs of students. Over the past four years since 2020, more than 90 thousand prospective driving teachers (CGP) have participated in this program, with a graduation rate of 61,256 teachers. Now, PGP has entered its 11th batch with a total of 32,279 teacher participants who will undergo education for six months, starting from June 13 to December 23, 2024."
“Through PGP, we strive to produce a new generation of educational leaders in Indonesia, namely teachers who view their students with a sense of full respect; teachers who will prioritize students in every decision they make later on, whether as School Principals, School Supervisors, or in other forms of educational leadership,”
The translation of "ungkap Nunuk." to English is "express Nunuk."
The text "Dream.co.id" does not require translation as it is a web address and remains the same in English. If you need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask!
"This program, Nunuk continued, provides a significant leap in the massive improvement of teacher competencies, making them agents of change in their respective schools. He added that more than 12 thousand driving teachers have been appointed as school principals. “There are already 12,400 driving teachers who have become school principals, and it is hoped that this number will continue to grow,” he said. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Culture also provides the Merdeka Mengajar (Independent Teaching) Platform, which serves as a solution for teachers to enhance their competencies."
"PMM provides access to various learning resources, training, and teaching materials that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. PMM also serves as a medium for teachers to share best practices and provide feedback, thus creating a dynamic and collaborative learning community. Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Nadiem Makarim stated that through PMM, teachers not only enhance their individual competencies but also contribute to the development of their peers' competencies across Indonesia."
“This is an application to implement the Independent Curriculum and to learn to become a better teacher,” he said. With these various efforts, the government is determined to make teachers the main pillar in strengthening the quality of education in Indonesia. The welfare and competence of teachers that continue to be improved are the keys to the success of Independent Learning, which will ultimately produce a generation of the nation's successors who are intelligent, creative, and ready to face global challenges.
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