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Inilah Warna yang Tidak Disukai Nabi Muhammad SAW, Simak Baik-Baik Penjelasannya!

This is the color that Prophet Muhammad SAW disliked, Pay Attention to the Explanation!

Dream - As a Muslim, following the teachings and guidance of Prophet Muhammad SAW in every aspect of life is something that should be done. It turns out, there is one thing that perhaps not many people know, which is the color disliked by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Inilah Warna yang Tidak Disukai Nabi Muhammad SAW, Simak Baik-Baik Penjelasannya!

In this article, we will discuss in depth about the colors disliked by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as well as their meanings and implications in the daily lives of Muslims. These colors apparently have a significant connection with religious teachings and habits that should be avoided by Muslims. Let's delve deeper into the colors disliked by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and how this can affect our perception of colors in everyday life.

The preferred colors of Prophet Muhammad SAW

The preferred colors of Prophet Muhammad SAW

"Before discussing the colors disliked by Prophet Muhammad SAW, here are some colors that were his favorites. By knowing them, you can use these colors as references for choosing clothing or others."

1. Green Color

Green is the favorite color of Prophet Muhammad saw. The reason is because this color appears in the Quran, which is shown through paradise as a lush green garden full of lush vegetation. The second reason is because green is a characteristic of the Quraish people, who are the tribe where Prophet Muhammad saw comes from. Then the third reason is that Prophet Muhammad saw wore a green turban.

2. Black Color

The second color that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) liked is black. This is shown from the black embroidered cloth used to cover the Ka'bah. In addition, the color black can also be found on most Arab national flags and is considered as one of the pan-Arab colors. Furthermore, the color black also signifies modesty as it is worn by women in conservative society.


3. White color

The third color is white. Where this color symbolizes purity and simplicity. That is why the Prophet Muhammad saw liked the color white. Sahabat Dream can make white as the choice of clothing color, or others.


"The Colors Not Liked by Prophet Muhammad SAW"

According to Ustaz Farid Nu'man Hasan, there is a narration that explains that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) forbade the companions from using a red-colored bed and clothing mixed with silk. Therefore, plain red without any other color mixture is considered a prohibited color and it is disliked. Regarding the ruling of wearing red-colored clothing, especially for men, it has two conditions as follows:

1. Red Mixed with Other Colors

"A man wearing red clothing with other colors or patterns is allowed. However, it is prohibited to wear plain red according to the following hadith: 'The hadiths that indicate the prohibition specifically refer to pure red without any other mixture.' (Al-Mausu'ah, 6/132)"


2. All Red

The use of clothing with an overall red color, without any pattern at all. Whether it is in the form of lines, other colors, or other shapes. Regarding the use of plain red color, there are differences among the scholars. Where that opinion is divided into two as follows:


"First Opinion"

The following text is based on the following foundation: "Some Hanafi and Hanbali scholars believe that it is makruh (disliked) to wear red clothes as long as there is no other color mixed in, this applies to men, not women." (Al-Mausu'ah, 6/132) Based on the above hadith, this then brings reasons from the following scholars: Al Bara bin 'Azib ra said: "The Prophet (pbuh) prohibited us from using red beddings and clothes made of mixed silk." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari 5838)

Abdullah bin Amr ra said: "In front of the Prophet saw, there was a man wearing two red garments, he greeted him, but the Prophet did not respond." (HR At Tirmidzi 2807, Abu Daud 4069, Al Hakim 7399) Imam At-Tirmidzi said: "The meaning of this hadith according to the scholars, they dislike clothing that is dyed with 'ushfur (red), and they see no problem with clothing dyed red or otherwise if it is not from 'ushfur or mu'ashfar." (Sunan At-Tirmidzi 2807)

"Second Opinion"

Meanwhile, in this second opinion, from the Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi'i schools of thought, they say that the color is allowed based on the following evidence: Al-Bara bin 'Azib ra said, "Prophet Muhammad saw was a person of medium build, I once saw him wearing a red garment, I have never seen anyone as handsome as him." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari 5848)

Abu Juhaifah ra said, "....And the Messenger of Allah (saw) went out wearing a red Hullah that reached halfway to his calves. He performed Salah facing the spear along with the people for two Rak'ahs, and I saw people and animals passing in front of his spear." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari 376, Muslim 503) Hilal bin 'Amir, from his father, said, "I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) giving a sermon on his Bighal in Mina, and he was wearing a red cloak...." (Narrated by Abu Daud 4073)

Through the explanation above, the following conclusions can be drawn: If the red color comes from plain 'ushfur, then some scholars prohibit it. If the red color does not come from plain 'ushfur, then some scholars allow it. If the red color is striped and patterned, whether it is from 'ushfur or not, then it is not a problem.

Reasons why the Prophet does not like the color red.

The reason why the Prophet Muhammad did not like the color red is because during the time of ignorance (jahiliyah), the color red was often associated with power, hostility, and warfare. The Prophet chose not to like the color red as a signal that Islam is a religion of peace and compassion, not a religion that teaches violence or bloodshed.

Inilah Warna yang Tidak Disukai Nabi Muhammad SAW, Simak Baik-Baik Penjelasannya!

In addition, the Prophet also mentioned that the color red can shake someone's faith because it can evoke excessive feelings in worldly matters, such as pride and love for worldly power. The Prophet emphasized more on the qualities of humility, patience, and obedience to Allah.

In Islamic teachings, the color red is often associated with worldly desires and the temptation of Satan. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to avoid wearing red clothing or using red accessories in their daily lives. These reasons became the basis for why the Prophet Muhammad did not like the color red and encouraged Muslims to stay away from it.

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