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Doa Niat Puasa Syawal dan Dahsyatnya Keutamaan Puasa 6 Hari di Bulan Syawal

"Prayer for the Intention of Fasting in Shawwal and the Greatness of the Virtue of Fasting for 6 Days in the Month of Shawwal"

Dream - After celebrating Eid al-Fitr on the first day of Shawwal, there is another highly virtuous voluntary act of worship, which is fasting in the month of Shawwal. In the month of Shawwal, Muslims are encouraged to fast for six days. Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the reward for fasting during the month of Ramadan, followed by six days in the month of Shawwal, is equal to the reward of fasting for a whole year.

Fasting the voluntary fasting of Syawal is preferably done immediately after Eid al-Fitr, which is from the 2nd to the 7th of Syawal. However, if you want to fast on other days, it is also allowed. There are no specific rules regarding the order of performing the fasting of Syawal. Quoting from NU Online page, a person who fasts Syawal with the intention of making up for missed Ramadan fasts, will also receive the same rewards as those who perform the voluntary fasting of Syawal.

"Reading of the Prayer for the Intention of Fasting in Shawwal"

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The intention prayer for fasting in Syawal is practiced to follow the advice of the scholars. The advice to recite the intention prayer for fasting in Syawal aims to strengthen the heart in performing voluntary worship in the month of Syawal. Here is the recitation of the intention prayer for fasting in Syawal that Sahabat Dream can practice."

Bacaan Doa Niat Puasa Syawal

I intend to fast the Sunnah of Syawal tomorrow for Allah SWT.


"Suddenly Want to Fast on Shawwal"

For Dream friends who suddenly want to perform the voluntary fasting of Syawal in the morning, it is permissible to recite the intention when deciding to fast the voluntary fast. Because the requirement to have the intention at night only applies to obligatory fasting. For voluntary fasting, a person can have the intention during the day as long as they have not engaged in activities that invalidate the fast, such as eating, drinking, and other things that invalidate the fast since dawn.

"This is the Reading Intention"

The following is the pronunciation of the intention that you can practice if you suddenly want to fast Syawal in the morning: نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ هَذَا الْيَوْمِ عَنْ أَدَاءِ سُنَّةِ شَوَّالِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى Nawaitu shauma hâdzal yaumi ‘an adâ’i sunnatis Syawwâli lillâhi ta‘âlâ. Meaning: "I intend to fast the Sunnah of Syawal today for the sake of Allah SWT."


"The Great Virtue of Fasting in Shawwal"

Speaking of its virtues, fasting in Shawwal has a tremendous virtue. The virtue of fasting in Shawwal is conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in his hadith.

Rasulullah saw bersabda: من صام رمضان ثم أتبعه ستا من شوال كان كصيام الدهرArtinya: "Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan, then follows it with six days in the month of Syawal, will be rewarded as if he has fasted for a whole year."

(Narrated by Muslim)

Next, according to Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, there are extraordinary virtues that can be obtained from performing voluntary fasting in the month of Shawwal. These virtues are as follows: completing the fasting of Ramadan, increasing the rewards of fasting to be equivalent to fasting for a year, making voluntary fasting in Shawwal as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT, and ensuring the continuity of the worship performed in the month of Ramadan is not interrupted.

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