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"Kapolda Metro Jaya threatens to arrest Firli Bahuri if he is uncooperative."

Kapolda Metro Jaya Ancam Tangkap Firli Bahuri Jika Tak Kooperatif

Dream - The Chief of the Jakarta Metro Police, Inspector General Karyoto, revealed that he has prepared a letter of forced summons and arrest for the suspended Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri. According to him, these measures are prepared in case Firli is uncooperative during the examination as a suspect.

Firli has been scheduled to undergo an examination at the Bareskrim Polri building on Thursday, December 21, 2023, regarding the alleged extortion case in handling corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) 2021.

Kapolda Metro Jaya Ancam Tangkap Firli Bahuri Jika Tak Kooperatif

"Yes, there is an order to bring, the second call is followed by an order to bring letter,""
According to Karyoto, quoted from, Thursday, December 21, 2023.


Publish the Letter of Forced Pick-up if Firli skips again.

Karyoto explained that the letter of forced summons to arrest will be issued if Firli does not attend the next call. Because it is known that Firli again absented himself from today's examination with the excuse of attending an agenda at the KPK.


"What is common is the second call command, we have also prepared an order letter to bring. If that is not obeyed, there is a letter of previous arrest,""
Translate the following 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "ungkap Karyoto."


However, Karyoto mentioned that the certainty of the second summons letter's timing to be sent to Firli is still awaiting a decision from the investigator of Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya. "Later, I will coordinate with Dirkrimsus. Later, I will ask Dirkrimsus about the next steps," he said. "If from the first summons letter, today there is a first summons. We will attach it and send the second summons letter along with the prepared arrest warrant. If it is not complied with, we will issue an arrest warrant," said the Kapolda Metro.


"Firli did not attend the examination"

"Previously, the suspended Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, is confirmed to be absent from the third examination as a suspect in the alleged extortion case against the leadership of the KPK regarding corruption handling in the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) 2021, Thursday, December 21, 2023."

That was conveyed by Ian Iskandar regarding his client's request for a delay in the examination by the joint investigators of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Metro Jaya Regional Police and the Corruption Eradication Task Force of the Indonesian National Police. "Yes, we requested a delay. Yesterday, we submitted the delay letter directly to the investigators of the Metro Jaya Regional Police," said Ian. According to Ian, his client has other commitments at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). However, it is known that Firli's visit is said to fulfill the ethical examination summons by the KPK Supervisory Board.

"There is an urgent event that cannot be done at the same time. Just check it at KPK. Yes, that's the plan (Dewas Call), it cannot be done at the same time (with police examination). Just check it at KPK,""


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