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PDIP Fires Jokowi's Son-in-Law Bobby Nasution as a Cadre for Violating Ethics.

PDIP Fires Jokowi's Son-in-Law Bobby Nasution as a Cadre for Violating Ethics.

PDIP Dismisses Jokowi's Son-in-Law Bobby Nasution as a Cadre for Violating Ethics

Dream - Medan City Branch Leadership Council (DPC) PDIP released a dismissal letter for Mayor Bobby Naustion. The decision is stated in letter number 217 \/IN\/DPC-29.B-26.B\/XI\/2023 regarding the notification. The letter is signed by the Chairman of DPC PDIP Medan, Hasyim, and Secretary Roby Barus.

"Langgar Etik Partai" translates to "Party Ethics Violation" in English.

In the letter, Bobby was stated to have committed ethical and disciplinary violations as a party member. President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son-in-law did not comply with the party's instructions because he supported presidential and vice-presidential candidates from another party.


"Until the deadline given by the Party's DPP, Mr. Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution has not yet submitted his resignation letter and PDI Perjuangan membership card to the DPC PDI Perjuangan of Medan City."
The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "such is the content of the aforementioned decision letter, as reported by, Tuesday, November 14, 2023."


PDIP Dismisses Jokowi's Son-in-Law Bobby Nasution as a Cadre for Violating Ethics

Based on the decision, the PDIP DPC of Medan City stated that Bobby has been proven to have committed violations of the party's code of ethics and discipline, thus declared ineligible to be a party member.

"By not complying with the rules and decisions of the Party because of supporting the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates nominated by other political parties, Mr. Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution no longer qualifies as a member of PDI Perjuangan."
"Write down the decision."


PDIP Dismisses Jokowi's Son-in-Law Bobby Nasution as a Cadre for Violating Ethics

Bobby previously led the declaration of support from the Business Warriors Front to the Prabowo-Gibran pair at Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, on Wednesday, November 11, 2023. In that organization, he served as the chairman.

PDIP Dismisses Jokowi's Son-in-Law Bobby Nasution as a Cadre for Violating Ethics

Regarding Bobby's action, Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Djarot Syaiful Hidayat, ensures that if the Mayor of Medan supports a presidential and vice-presidential candidate other than those endorsed by his party, he will automatically no longer be a party cadre.

"If Mas Bobby supports another candidate, it means he has stepped out of the party's struggle line and automatically is no longer a party member. Automatically (not a cadre of PDIP)."
The following translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "words Djarot Thursday, 9 November 2023 quoted from"


"Victory of Ganjar-Mahfud"

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