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Prayer for Choosing a Good Leader Ahead of the 2024 Election, God willing, May We Get One who is Just and Trustworthy.

Prayer for Choosing a Good Leader Ahead of the 2024 Election, God willing, May We Get One who is Just and Trustworthy.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught that the ideal leader is one who possesses the qualities of humility, trustworthiness, fairness, wisdom, and concern for his people.

Dream - General Election (Election) is just counting the days. Has Dream's friend decided on their choice? Or are they still confused about who to choose? In such a situation, Dream's friend can pray for choosing a good leader ahead of the 2024 Election. In Islam, prayer is the key to every problem faced by mankind. This includes when choosing a leader or president. In addition to considering the vision and mission of each presidential and vice-presidential candidate, accompany it with a prayer for choosing a good leader.

Well, here is a reading of a prayer for choosing a good leader ahead of the 2024 Election as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer for Choosing a Good Leader Ahead of the 2024 Election, God Willing, We Will Get a Just and Trustworthy Leader
Prinsip dan Sifat Pemimpin dalam dalam Ajaran Agama Islam

"Principles and Qualities of Leadership in the Teachings of Islam"

In Islam, the principles and qualities of a leader have significant meaning in guiding society and advancing an ethical and just government.

These principles are derived from religious teachings and serve as the framework for leadership in the Islamic faith. The qualities and characteristics of a leader in Islam are based on humility, honesty, integrity, and compassion, as well as a deep sense of responsibility and accountability towards those they lead. These principles and qualities are important for upholding justice, improving the well-being of society, and serving as an example for others.

Good understanding of the principles and qualities of leadership in Islam is crucial for individuals who want to take on leadership roles within the Muslim community and lead with wisdom, justice, and truthfulness.

Ideal Leader Criteria According to Prophet Muhammad SAW

Rasulullah saw taught that the criteria of an ideal leader are those who possess the qualities of tawadhu (humility), amanah (trustworthiness), justice, wisdom, and caring for their people.

Ideal Leader Criteria According to Prophet Muhammad SAW

A leader must be able to carry out his duties well and prioritize justice and care for the needs of his people. The qualities that an ideal leader should possess according to Islamic teachings are humility, because with humility, a leader can be closer to his people and not arrogant. Trustworthiness is also very important, because a leader must be responsible for the trust given to him by his people.

In addition, a leader must also be fair in making decisions and acting towards all of its people, and wise in managing the country. Justice is one of the important qualities that a leader must possess, because with justice, the people will feel valued and treated fairly. Meanwhile, caring for its people is a quality that will make a leader more humane and able to understand and overcome the problems faced by its people.

By having these qualities, a leader can carry out his duties well and prioritize justice and concern for his people according to the teachings of Islam.

"Requirements for Choosing a Leader in Islamic Teachings"

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: The conditions for choosing a leader in Islam are based on Islamic teachings which emphasize the importance of having a just, wise, and capable leader who can lead the community well

In this regard, scholars agree that a leader must meet certain qualifications, such as honesty, trustworthiness, justice, and noble character. Research also shows that leaders in Islam should be chosen based on their competence, experience, and dedication to serving the community. On the other hand, the laws and obligations in selecting a leader have also been explained in Islamic teachings. Muslims have a duty to choose a leader who is capable of leading well and justly in accordance with Islamic principles.

Every individual also has the right to vote in the election of leaders, and they are expected to choose leaders who have ideal characteristics according to Islamic teachings. The ideal characteristics of a leader in Islam include the ability to lead with justice, safeguard the interests of the community, have good religious knowledge, and have noble personality. Therefore, in Islam, choosing a leader is not solely based on popularity or wealth, but based on the quality of leadership that is in accordance with religious teachings.

"Prayer for Choosing a Good Leader"

The following are some prayers for choosing a good leader ahead of the 2024 General Election that friends of Dream can practice:

Doa Memilih Pemimpin yang Baik

Prayer to Obtain a Trustworthy Leader

Before reading this prayer, Gus Mus suggests reading istighfar first. Here is the prayer: اللَّهُمَّ لَا تُسَلِّطْ عَلَيْنَا - بِذُنُوبِنَا - مَنْ لَا يَخَافُكَ وَلَا يَرْحَمُنَا... Allahumma lâ tusallith 'alainâ—bidzunübinâ—man lâ yakhâfuKa walâ yarhamunâ...

Meaning: "O Allah, our Lord, do not make someone who does not fear You and does not have mercy on us as our leader because of our sins.

Prayer to Obtain a Good Leader


"O Allah, distance them from all forms of evil and mischief-makers, and bring them closer to those who promote goodness and righteousness, O Lord of all worlds. O Allah, rectify and improve the affairs of the Muslims in every place. It means, 'O Allah, make our leaders righteous. Grant them success in carrying out the best matters for themselves, for Islam, and for the Muslim community. O Allah, assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities as You have commanded, O Lord of all worlds.'"

"O Allah, keep them away from bad friends and friends who corrupt. Also, bring them closer to good people and good advisers, O Lord of all the worlds. O Allah, make the leaders of the Muslims as good individuals, wherever they may be."

"Tips Choosing the Right Leader for the 2024 Election"

"To choose the right leader in the 2024 Election, there are several steps that can be taken based on the background information of the candidates."

First, find out the vision and mission of each candidate leader. Make sure the candidate leader has a clear vision for the future of the country and a mission that can be executed well. Second, pay attention to the experience and track record of the candidate leader. Choose a candidate who has relevant leadership experience and a track record that can be accounted for. Next, listen to the thoughts and solutions offered by the candidate leader.

Choose candidates who have innovative ideas and realistic solutions to solve the problems faced by the country. Lastly, also pay attention to the integrity and personality of the candidate leader. Choose a candidate who has high integrity and a trustworthy personality to lead the country. By following the above tips, it is hoped that voters can choose the right leader to lead the country in the 2024 Election.

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