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Read This When Sending Prayers for the Deceased after Prayer! Continuous Practice

Read This When Sending Prayers for the Deceased after Prayer! Continuous Practice

Dream - Sending prayers for those who have passed away is highly recommended in Islam. Praying for those who have gone before us will help alleviate the torment of the grave. Although it is considered controversial, the majority of scholars believe that the rewards of the prayers we send for the deceased can reach the dwellers of the grave. Therefore, reciting prayers for the deceased is highly recommended.

The majority of Muslims also do this to deceased individuals, such as their late parents. This is because there is a hadith that mentions that a child's prayer for their parents is considered as a continuous good deed even after their passing.

Read This When Sending Prayers for the Deceased after Prayer! Uninterrupted Practice

Often we hear an imam tahlil reciting special prayers for the deceased. The way to send prayers for the grave expert is important for Muslims to know, not just for the imam tahlil alone. Here's how to send prayers for the grave expert after performing fardhu prayer. Usually, this prayer is recited along with reading Yasin and tahlil.

How to Send Prayers for the Deceased After Prayer

There is no harm in sending prayers for someone who has passed away. In fact, those who pray also receive rewards. The usual way to send prayers for the deceased after prayer is by reciting Surah Al-Fatihah. Surah Al-Fatihah is intended for the souls we pray for. Here is the sequence of sending prayers for the deceased after prayer that needs to be known:


1. Prayer for the deceased after Salah: Al-Fatihah

"Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. Praise be to Allah, the grateful and the content. Praise be to Allah, who completes His favors and suffices for what is lacking. O our Lord, all praise is due to You, as befits Your majesty and great sovereignty. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad, and upon the family of our master Muhammad."

The translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Meaning: 'In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, just as those who are grateful and those who receive many blessings praise Him. With worthy praise and His blessings, with the possibility of increase. O our Lord, all praise is for You, as is fitting for Your Majesty and the greatness of Your power. O Allah, bestow peace and blessings upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad and his family.'"

2. Prayer for the Deceased after Prayer

"Allahumma taqabbal wa ausil tsawaba maa qara'naahu minal quranil 'adzim. Wa maa hallalnaa wa maa sabbahnaa wa maastaghfarnaa wa maa shollainaa 'ala sayyidina muhammadin shallallahu alaihi wa sallam, hadiyyatan waasilatan, wa rahmatan naazilatan, wa barakatan syamilatan, ilaa hadrati habiibinaa wa syafi'ina wa qurrati a'yuninaa sayyidina wa maulana muhammadin shallallahu alaihi wa sallam." Translation: "O Allah, accept and facilitate the reward of what we have recited from the glorious Quran. And what we have made lawful and what we have praised and what we have sought forgiveness for and what we have prayed for our master Muhammad, peace be upon him, as a gift and a means of access, and as a descending mercy and a comprehensive blessing, to the presence of our beloved and intercessor, the delight of our eyes, our master Muhammad, peace be upon him."

To all of his brothers from the prophets, messengers, saints, martyrs, righteous people, companions, followers, scholars, educators, writers, and all the mujahideen in the way of Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and the near angels. It means: "O Allah, accept and convey the rewards of the Quran that we recite, our tahlil, our tasbih, our istighfar, and our sholawat to Prophet Muhammad SAW as a gift that connects, as a mercy that descends, and as a blessing that spreads to our beloved ones, our helpers, and our children, our leaders and our guides."

That is the Prophet Muhammad SAW, also to all of his companions among the Prophets and Messengers, the saints, the martyrs, the righteous, the companions, the successors, the scholars who practice their knowledge, the sincere authors, and those who strive in the way of Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, as well as the angels who always worship.

3. Prayer for the Grave Dwellers after Prayer

Tshumma ilaa jamii'i ahlil qubuuri minal muslimiina walmuslimaati walmu'miniina walmu'minaati mim masyaariqil ardhi ilaa maghooribihaa barrihaa wabahrihaa khushushon ilaa (fulan), wa aabaainaa wa-ummahaatinaa wa-ajdaadinaa wajaddaatinaa wanakhush-shu khushuuson manijtama'naa haahunaa bisababihii wali-ajlihii. Translation: "Then to all the people of the graves, from the Muslim men and women, and the believing men and women, from the east of the earth to its west, its land and its sea, with reverence to (so-and-so), and our fathers and mothers, grandparents and great-grandparents, and all those who gathered here for his sake and for his reward."


Meaning: "Then to all the inhabitants of the graves among the Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, from the Eastern and Western parts of the earth, in the sea and on land, especially to (mention the name of the deceased being prayed for), and our fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, prioritizing even more to the person who has caused us to gather here."

4. Prayer for the Deceased after Prayer

Allaahumma anzilir rohmata walmaghfirota 'alaa ahlilqubuuri min ahli laa ilaaha illallaahu muhammadur rasuulullaah. Allaahumma arinal haqqo hqaaon warzuqnat tibaa'ahu, wa arinal baathila baathilan warzuqnaj tinaabahu. Translation: O Allah, bestow mercy and forgiveness upon the people of the graves, from the people of "There is no deity but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." O Allah, show us the truth as true and enable us to follow it, and show us falsehood as false and enable us to avoid it.


Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, bestow mercy and forgiveness upon the people of the graves who always say 'There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah'. O Allah, show us that the truth is indeed the truth and grant us the ability to follow it, and show us that falsehood is indeed falsehood and grant us the ability to stay away from it.'"

5. Prayer for the Deceased after Prayer.

"Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanah, wa fil akhiroti hasanah waqina 'adzaaban nar. Subhana robbika robbil 'izzati 'amma yashifun, wasalaamun 'alal mursalin, walhamdu lillahi robbil 'aalamiin." "O our Lord, grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire. Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power, above what they describe. Peace be upon the messengers, and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds."


Translation: "Meaning: "Our Lord, grant us goodness in this world, grant us goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of Hell. Your Lord is pure and the owner of glory, free from the attributes given by their (His enemies). Safety always belongs to the Messenger, and all praise is for Allah, the ruler of the universe." These are the collection of prayers to be recited when sending prayers for the deceased after prayer, which can be practiced. These prayers should be recited together with the recitation of Surah Yasin and Tahlil. It is even better if performed collectively with many people."

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