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"The Most Feared Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the Jews, Their Acknowledgment of the Authenticity of the Hadith: Facts"

Dream - The Jewish people are known to reject the truth of Allah's teachings. However, there is a fact that states that there is one hadith that the Jewish people fear the most. This hadith of the Prophet Muhammad mentions the fate of the Jewish people in the end times. This fact also shows that they actually acknowledge the truth of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Although the majority of the Jewish people do not want to believe in Allah.

The majority of Israeli Zionists adhere to the Jewish religion (Judaism). They always conceal the truth and launch hostility towards the Muslim Ummah. The tragic phenomenon that Israeli Zionists inflict upon the Palestinian community proves that they have destructive, oppressive, and inhumane attitudes. These characteristics are consistent with what is mentioned in the Quran.

Sabda Nabi SAW yang Paling Ditakuti Kaum Yahudi, Fakta Pengakuan Mereka akan Kebenaran Hadits

The translation of the given text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) conveyed many things about the unseen in the future. Including the fate of the Jewish people in the end times. Although he lived more than 14 centuries ago, what the Prophet (PBUH) conveyed is a truth that comes from Allah (SWT)."

One of the unseen things known by the Prophet SAW is about the war between the Muslim ummah and the Jews before the Day of Judgment. In the hadith of the Prophet SAW, the Jewish forces in the end times will be under the command of Dajjal, while the Muslim ummah will be under the command of Imam Mahdi. Then Allah will send down Prophet Isa AS to end the rule of Dajjal on earth. Prophet Isa AS will defeat Dajjal in the city of Lod, Palestine (Syria) which is currently occupied by Israel.

"The Most Feared Hadith by the Jews"

From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: "The Day of Judgment will not occur until the Muslims fight against the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them to the extent that every Jew will hide behind rocks and trees, but the rocks and trees will say: 'O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Except for the Gharqad tree because it is a Jewish tree." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

"Lifeless Objects Become Witnesses"

The above hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentions that rocks and trees will speak with the permission of Allah SWT. Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar said, "In this hadith, there is news of signs before the coming of the Day of Judgment. Among them is the speaking of inanimate objects, such as trees and rocks. Based on its apparent meaning, it is speaking in a literal sense, although there is a possibility of figurative meaning. The intention is that hiding (behind these objects) is not beneficial for them (the Jews). However, the first meaning (in an apparent sense) is more preferable." (Fathul Barri)

Sabda Nabi SAW yang Paling Ditakuti Kaum Yahudi, Fakta Pengakuan Mereka akan Kebenaran Hadits

From Abu Umamah radhiyallahu 'anhu, "So there is not a single creation of Allah that has been made a hiding place for the Jews, except that Allah made them speak, whether it be stones, trees, or animals..."

"Except for the Gharqad Tree"

In the hadith of Abu Hurairah, it is mentioned that there is a tree that remains still when there is a Jew hiding behind it. That tree is called the Gharqad tree. It is referred to as the Jewish tree because it does not speak like other trees and objects. Imam Nawawi said, "Gharqad is a type of thorny tree known in the land of Baitul Maqdis (Palestine). It is where Prophet Isa (Jesus) will kill Dajjal and the Jews along with the Muslims."

The translation of the text "Bentuk Pohon Gharqad" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Gharqad Tree Shape".

In Al-Mu'jamul Wasith, the characteristics of the Gharqad Tree are mentioned. The height of this tree is estimated to be between 1 to 3 meters and belongs to the prickly nightshade species. The trunk and branches are white in color, similar to the 'Ausaj tree in terms of its soft leaves and thorny branches. According to those who have seen it, the shape of the leaves, trunk, and branches resemble a pine tree. The difference is that this tree is not tall.

Sabda Nabi SAW yang Paling Ditakuti Kaum Yahudi, Fakta Pengakuan Mereka akan Kebenaran Hadits

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The Gharqad tree used to grow in the cemetery of Madinah (Al-Baqi). However, it was cut down when Utsman bin Mazh'un (may Allah be pleased with him) was buried in that cemetery."


"Israel Intensely Planting Gharqad Trees"

Benjamin Netanyahu, who is the Prime Minister of Israel, has planted trees several times that are reported to be Gharqad trees. The planting of these trees is carried out in various occupied areas of Israel, sponsored by the Jewish National Fund (JNF).

Israel is intensively planting Boxthorn (Gharqad) trees because it is feared that it is related to the saying of the Prophet Muhammad about the end times and the Jewish people in Israel. In fact, Israel has indeed been actively planting these trees since before the establishment of the state in 1948. Since its establishment, the JNF/KKL has been actively buying land when the Palestinian territories were still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The JNF claims to have planted 1.7 million Gharqad trees in an area of 7 square kilometers in 1935.

From Abdullah bin Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"The Jews will fight against you. But you (are given power) to dominate (defeat) them, then (Even) the stones will say, 'O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, kill him.'"

"(HR. Muslim, Tirmidzi and Ahmad)"

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