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Curhat Sedih Gadis Sumedang yang Terpaksa Membatalkan Pernikahan karena Calon Suami Terlibat PSK Online

Sad Confession of a Girl from Sumedang who is Forced to Cancel her Wedding because the Prospective Husband is Involved in Online Prostitution.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

Dream - Viral sad confession of a girl from Sumedang who canceled her wedding because her future husband was involved in online prostitution. The story of this engaged couple started from a post by TikToker Indi Liswandira on the account @indiliswandira.

Indi admits that she is now brave enough to 'speak up' about the story of her canceled marriage because she has made peace with the situation. Previously, Indi was very stressed and heartbroken because her fiancé was caught cheating with a widow who is also an online sex worker. Her fiancé even chose to live with the widow instead of continuing their engagement to marriage.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

In the viral video, Indi showed the moment when she was engaged to her future husband. The couple who called off the wedding appeared to display the rings that encircled their respective ring fingers.

Then, above the photo, Indi mentioned her future husband's disgusting behavior. "He prefers to be with transgender women and divorced women with two children," Indi wrote in the video.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

"After her video went viral, this beautiful girl then told the story behind her upload. According to Indi, the painful incident actually happened a long time ago, precisely during the fasting month of 2023."

At that time, two weeks before Idul Fitri 2023, his ex-fiancé asked for permission to accompany his friend to Cirebon. The friend of his ex-fiancé also brought his girlfriend. The three of them spent one week in Cirebon. "They spent about a week in Cirebon, having a good time and also exploring the city. Well, I gave them permission without thinking negatively," Indi reminisced.

Initially, her ex-fiancé diligently contacted Indi while being in Cirebon. However, suddenly he seemed to disappear after a few days. Indi panicked and was afraid because it became difficult to contact her ex-fiancé. Indi then contacted her ex-fiancé's friend. It turns out that the friend had returned to Sumedang, accompanied by Indi's ex-fiancé who chose to return to Cirebon. However, the friend refused to give a reason for her ex-fiancé's return to Cirebon.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

Indi has a positive mindset, thinking that her ex-fiancé is busy working in Cirebon. However, Indi starts to suspect because she can no longer contact her ex-fiancé.

Indi was shocked after finding out from her friend that her ex-fiancé brought another woman to Cirebon. Finally, her friend revealed that the woman brought by Indi's ex-fiancé works as an online sex worker. Her ex-fiancé works as a driver to pick up and meet clients for the woman.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

Indi immediately informed her prospective in-laws that her ex-fiancé's job was not right. Eventually, the ex-fiancé returned home after being called by his mother. However, the drama did not end there.

Indi curiously opened the Facebook of her ex-fiancé, who happened to still be connected on her phone. Indi discovered a conversation with a woman at half past 4 in the morning, asking her ex-fiancé to buy cigarettes. Suspicious, Indi tried to find out who that woman was. It turns out that woman was Indi's ex-fiancé's affair.

Hati Indi becomes more torn knowing that the woman has just divorced and has two children. Meanwhile, on the other hand, it is increasingly difficult to contact Indi's ex-fiancé. Indi again informed her future mother-in-law about the behavior of her ex-fiancé, who was angry to hear about her son's actions.

The future mother-in-law then tried to find her missing child who had been gone for two days. It turns out that Indi's former fiancé lives in the boarding house of the widow with two children.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

Indi, who participated in the search, cried and had a heated argument with her ex-fiancé in front of her future mother-in-law. The ex-fiancé finally apologized and promised not to repeat it again. Indi felt foolish because she wanted to accept her ex-fiancé's apology at that time. The problem is, her ex-fiancé repeated the same behavior. The ex-fiancé even secretly formed a relationship with the widow of two children.

Puncak kesabaran Indi pun sudah habis. Dia memutuskan untuk meminta petunjuk lewat jalur langit.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Indi's patience has reached its peak. She decided to seek guidance through the celestial path."

It turns out that it was revealed that his former fiancé is a pimp who finds clients for the widow. Even more surprising, his former fiancé has impregnated the widow who is two months pregnant.

Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution
Sad Confession of a Sumedang Girl Who Had to Cancel Her Wedding Because Her Fiancé Was Involved in Online Prostitution

"Indi is increasingly determined not to continue the relationship, and has decided to cancel the wedding."

Indi admitted that since 2020, her former fiancé did not show any strange behavior. Therefore, she is willing to continue to the next level of marriage which was supposed to be held in December 2023.

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