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Viral Recording Allegedly Shows Official in Batu Bara Supports Prabowo-Gibran

Viral Recording Allegedly Shows Official in Batu Bara Supports Prabowo-Gibran

Dream - A recording of a conversation allegedly involving officials in Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra (Sumut), directing village funds to be used for the victory of the presidential and vice presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo-Gibran, in the 2024 Presidential Election, has gone viral on social media. In a post by the TikTok account @nasionalcorruption, the leaked audio is allegedly from the District Military Commander (Dandim), Regent, District Police Chief (Kapolres), and District Attorney (Kajari) in Batu Bara. "Leaked, a recording of a conversation between the Dandim, Regent, Kapolres, and Kajari in Batubara," wrote the caption of the post.

Viral Rekaman Percakapan Diduga Pejabat di Batu Bara Dukung Prabowo-Gibran

In the recording, a conversation among several individuals can be heard, in essence urging each village head to support Prabowo-Gibran to win the 2024 Presidential Election.

"Just focus on the sub-district and keep adding. So for this village head, let's directly focus on the first title. No other stories, no reasons whatsoever. Win empty two in each village.""
say someone in the recording.



Next, there was a discussion about the use of village funds amounting to Rp100 thousand to be sent to each village. "Regarding the issue of ammunition, efforts are still being made to obtain permission so that it will be resolved before the presidential election. With a note that Rp100,000 will be taken out from the village funds, 50 will be sent there for them to use it against their attacks," said a man.

"There are PJ users there, the police chief is there, the military commander is there, the prosecutor is there, that's the usage. It is used for the presidential election," he continued. The man even emphasized that there will be no examination for officials who support candidate pair 2, with the condition that they have made a commitment."

"So, there are 50 people left in the village and this is like last year. They already know, right, that those are seniors and hopefully there will be no examinations related to 2024. Because they have committed earlier that there will be no examinations, but with the note that we also have to commit," he said. In response to this, the Head of Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, emphasized that the police will remain neutral in the 2024 election contest."

Viral Rekaman Percakapan Diduga Pejabat di Batu Bara Dukung Prabowo-Gibran

That has also been stipulated in Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police Article 28 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Members of the Indonesian National Police do not exercise the right to vote and be elected.

"In order to maintain the state and community life as well as professionalism, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) is committed to remain neutral and not engage in practical political activities in every contestation of the 2024 General Elections," said Trunoyudo to reporters, on Monday, January 15, 2024, as quoted from "This is done to ensure that the elections run safely, peacefully, with integrity and quality," he concluded.

Trunoyudo mentioned that they have conducted an investigation into the alleged involvement of the Batubara Police Chief. The result is that the police were not involved in directing the victory of Prabowo-Gibran. "The North Sumatra Regional Police have conducted an investigation and the result has been informed that it is not true (Hoax), or that voice does not belong to the Batubara Police Chief together with other Forkompimda," he explained.

Separately, Kapuspen TNI Mayjen TNI Nugraha Gumilar, said that the Batubara Forkopimda never conveyed a message as in the circulating voice recording. "The Batubara Forkopimda never conveyed as the conversation that went viral on social media. The recording of the conversation also cannot be proven to be true," said Gumilar.

Viral Rekaman Percakapan Diduga Pejabat di Batu Bara Dukung Prabowo-Gibran

Regarding whether the TNI will investigate the alleged hoax recording, Gumilar said it will be handed over to the relevant party.

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